Fresh Oil Releases

New Wineskins for Old!!

A Book of Wine book cover

Some of you will remember that last year I wrote two articles about the end-time wine cellar and the preparation of this wine deep within. Well, the Lord continued to download revelation on the topic and I have now published ’The Book of End-Time Wine’. It has been a profound experience receiving and recording the contents of these pages and has revolutionized my walk with God. I am so excited to be able to share it with you!


When the Lord laid the writing of this book on my heart, He was very specific in all details, including the dimensions, the colors to be used, the style of the cover. As I recorded His instruction, I thought of Moses up the mountain with God, getting extremely specific instructions for all the elements of the tabernacle. No detail was too small because what was being made in the earthly realm was to represent truth in the heavenly realm. This Book of End-Time Wine is exactly the way it is to depict spiritual truths. It is 22.22cm x 22.22cm, an exact square, like the measurement given for the Holy of Holies. This is because what is contained in this book was heard in that spiritual place; the place where God meets with His friends face to face, above the Mercy Seat, with the wings of the cherubim overshadowing. This is the next station which the true Church is appointed to occupy. We are moving beyond the altar of incense and the furniture of the Holy Place and we are pressing into the glory, where no manmade light illuminates. The measurements of this book are also a reference to Isaiah 22:22:

Isa 22:22 And the key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder, so that he opens, and no one shuts; and he shuts, and no one opens.

It is time for the key of the House of David to be made available to the end-time-Church. The release of the sound of the end-time wine will be involved with this handover. We are moving from the Church age to the Kingdom age. It involves a change of station and location in the Spirit. Most books published by the Church up to this point are rectangular. But it is time for change. Most books are black and white. But now it’s time for full color. It’s time for a word that has dimension and weight and eloquence in the spiritual realm.

The Lord worked with me preparing many beautiful full-page illustrations and this is a rare book; not your run of the mill teaching volume. It’s a collector’s piece and so is not as inexpensive as my previous books.


I would love to give my books away free but unfortunately, printing and manufacturing are costly. For those in Africa, and especially South Africa, the unreliable government postal system and the exorbitant cost of express delivery makes it impossible to buy from an overseas printer at this time, so please contact me at as I have locally printed copies which can be delivered by postnet or aramex (using Pick’n Pay depots).

My prayer is that the keys within the covers of this book will release profound breakthrough and downpour of the heavy latter rain of His end-time wine.

Much love



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© / Christine Beadsworth, All natural rights reserved.