The Storehouse

Here is 'The Rising Morning Star series'.
Here are some Christian Classics for the Remnant..
Here are some Home Remedies for the Remnant..
Here are the transcripts for February 2025..
Here are the transcripts for January 2025..
Here are all the posts sent out in December 2024..
Here are all the posts sent out in October/November 2024..
Here are all the posts sent out in September 2024..
Here are all the posts sent out in August 2024..
Here are all the posts sent out in July 2024..
Here are all the posts sent out in June 2024..
Here are all the posts sent out in May 2024..
Here are all the posts sent out in April 2024..
Here are all the posts sent out in March 2024..
Here are all the posts sent out in February 2024..
Here are all the posts sent out in January 2024..
Here are all the posts sent out in December 2023..
Here are all the posts sent out in November 2023..
Here are all the posts sent out in September and October 2023..
Here are all the posts sent out in July and August 2023..
Here are all the posts sent out in May and June 2023..
Here are all the posts sent out in March and April 2023..
Here are all the posts sent out in January and February 2023..
Here are all the posts sent out in November and December 2022..
Here are all the posts sent out in September and October 2022..
Here are all the posts sent out in July and August 2022..
Here are all the posts sent out in May and June 2022..
PLEASE NOTE: Since the end of Sept 2021, I have not been adding new posts to this website, but am now only sending new material to my Subscriber list. Due to constant problems with the blocking of delivery of my emails, I want to make the material available for those interested. This is the link to download the zip file of all email posts sent out from September 2021 to end April 2022. Should you wish to read anything new that I send out, please subscribe.
I have just had the entire pdf set (from 2014-2021) in the storehouse folder zipped up and made ready for download (120MB). You can get it here.
This zip file has all my posts from 2005 to 2021.
Here is a link to download and print blog posts from 2020 and 2021 (just click on the 3 dots to the right of the title you want in the list and a download link will pop up) - AND you can also access a storehouse of good grain from past years for the days when there is a famine of the Word of the Lord. Please spread the word to all your hungry friends! And ask the Holy Spirit to highlight just the bucketful of nourishment you need at this particular moment in your life!
Added 25th Sep 2021
FOR Travelling by Day or by Night ~ Sometime in 2020
Added 10th Jan 2021
Weighing in on Fruit ~ March 2010
Poem on Abortion
Added 13th Jan 2020
The Transition Bridge
Here you will find all the articles and prophetic words from my old website 'Storehouse' page plus anything sent out in 2016/2017. The articles are listed in no particular order. For brevity's sake, I have just listed titles. Hopefully, you can get a feel for the content from their titles.
Added 6th Dec 2017
Final Checks Before Nightfall
The Time of Performance
Added 15/08/17: