Fresh Oil Releases
Light to walk by in the darkness of this world


Beth Berei - 'House of the Creative One' image

Beth Berei means "House of the Creative One" in Hebrew. I made this originally as a name plaque for my workroom but the Lord began to speak to me concerning its message. We, His Bride, are the House of the Creative One because we are made in the image of the Creator and He dwells within us.

Through this mosaic, I heard God whisper that He is wanting to release a greater level of creativity within his Body, to cause us to tap into the arterial streams of creative ability that He has planted deep within us.

We have only experienced the surface waters of our creative potential up to now but in this day He will break through the bedrock limiting our understanding of our creative potential in Christ and open up the fountains of the deep to once again water the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God depicted through all forms of creative artistic expression. There will be an explosion of innovative methods of telling the story of the love of Christ in the marketplace, reaching places and people never reached before and a great harvest will be brought into the kingdom.

The pieces of mirror represent people beholding Him as in a mirror through our creative expression. The black pearls picture the treasures of darkness which He will release to us, souls that will be snatched out of darkness into His marvelous light. The leaves alongside the silver river represent those whose delight is in the law of the Lord, whose leaves do not wither because their roots are in the river of the water of Life. The flowers are made of broken pieces of china, representing the beauty He promises to give us in exchange for the ashes of our broken lives. The multi-colored frame refers to the fact that He is going to change our frame of reference so that we are not limited by narrow mindsets of the past in our forms of creative expression. God is calling us to enlarge the place of our tent and make room for revelation understanding released from the throne-room of Heaven, giving anointed methods to express Christ in the earth in this day.


…and God filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and wisdom, with intelligence and understanding, and with knowledge and all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze, in the cutting of stones for setting, and in carving of wood, for work in every skilled craft


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© / Christine Beadsworth, All natural rights reserved.