Arrayed as a Bride

This banner was made following a vision given to me by the Lord. In it I saw a menorah lifted up in the earth, radiant with the glory of God and the seven-fold Holy Spirit. In the vision, it was constructed using the ingredients of the holy anointing oil described in Exodus 30:23. This oil was used to anoint the set-apart vessels in the Tabernacle and the priests.
The Lord said to me that this was a picture of His Bride, set-apart for Him, arrayed in the beauty of holiness and covered in the glory of God, standing as a light to the nations of the world. The seven spirits of God rest upon her as described in Isaiah 11.
It also depicts the complete work of the Holy Spirit in preparing the Bride for her Bridegroom; the spices depicting the sanctifying process the Holy Spirit uses to conform us to a people of beauty and honor, a light to the world. Myrrh represents a dying to self and the cleansing purifying work God does in our lives, which is the base from which everything else is built for His glory. Cinnamon (used for the central stand) speaks of resurrection power and is a spice used to prepare for love and intimacy.
Calamus, from which the branches of the menorah are made, represents the government and rule of God in and through our lives and a release of the fragrance of Christ.
Cassia speaks of worship and cleaving; the highest level of intimacy through which fruitfulness comes. So this is what the flowers are made of. The whole lampstand is covered in gold, depicting the glory.
The cups are filled with greenish gold depicting virgin olive oil, the oil of the Holy Spirit and the lamps have been lit with the fire and glory of God; the spirit of wisdom and revelation, the spirit of counsel and of might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. The word of the Lord says we are to arise and shine for the light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon us (Isaiah 60:1). Though there will be dense darkness in the earth, His Bride will shine as a light for the nations to run to.