Bride of Fire

This painting depicts God’s passionate love for His bride. She is seen reflected in the pupil of His fiery eyes. She is worshiping in the beauty of holiness, set-apart for her Bridegroom alone and as He gazes upon her, the fiery zeal of His love removes from her all that would defile or destroy her. All her impurities rise to the surface in the refining fire and as she repents, they are removed forever. She is making herself ready for the Bridegroom. The Holy Spirit comes to purify and prepare her for her Groom and her bridal garments are beautiful, fine linen, embroidered in the rainbow colors of His love for her. She is His beloved and anyone who touches her, touches the apple of His eye. He will tolerate no other gods in her life. Her love is to be His alone. As she gazes upon His face in adoration, she is changed from glory to glory!