Fresh Oil Releases
Light to walk by in the darkness of this world

The Fire-Starters

Since I released the Book of End-Time Fire, the Spirit has not left this subject in my daily time with Him. The fire of God comes up continually day after day. On 26th April, I received instruction in a dream ... Continue Reading →

Off With His Head!

I so love the way the Holy Spirit brings words from the past to remembrance. This morning, I received a prophetic word forwarded from a friend which spoke into the difference between the prophecies of the butler and the baker. ... Continue Reading →

Removing the Static

In my last message I shared about how I struggled to hear through the static in the spiritual atmosphere, but finally could see and hear the sound of the wind of the Spirit approaching. Since then, the Lord has been ... Continue Reading →

Ignited for Flight

This morning as I was sitting quietly before Him, the Lord said to me, "Listen, daughter" and I could hear nothing but noise pollution, a kind of static. He urged me to listen more deeply and as he said this, ... Continue Reading →

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