Fresh Oil Releases
Light to walk by in the darkness of this world

Come Up Higher

After the Endtime Fire Conference in September, I was blessed with a few days at a very special retreat venue called Philadelphia Cottages, situated right at the epicenter of South Africa. Here, a precious friend was given the vision to ... Continue Reading →

Soldiers of the Lion

On the 1st of September when I was participating in the Endtime Messengers of Fire Conference, I saw an open vision in which there was a large clock face. The hands displayed the time 11:50. Then the right index finger ... Continue Reading →

Betrayal is at Hand

The Spirit has been revealing the source of hidden attacks against the prophets and seers in the Body. Jealousy, unforgiveness and bitterness all play a huge part in providing a launching pad for spiritual attack. However, in the end-times, there ... Continue Reading →

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