Fresh Oil Releases
Light to walk by in the darkness of this world

The Holy Mitre Company

This forms the final part of the proceeding word originally received at Tabernacles 5777. This year, we move into 5780 and what was spoken at the beginning of 5777 is still unfolding. What follows is part of that word spoken ... Continue Reading →

The Changing of the Guard

Greetings, precious saints of God,  I recently had the privilege of speaking at a prophetic conference in South Africa, aimed at releasing the messengers of Endtime fire. The Word says that He makes His messengers flames of fire. Those who ... Continue Reading →

The Assayer

Since releasing the word on the cleansing of His mouth, the Lord has been dealing with me in minute detail, leaving no stone unturned so that I may be able to say of the enemy, "He has nothing in me". ... Continue Reading →

The Fire-Starters ~ pt 5

Did you know that lightning doesn't only strike from the sky to earth, but also horizontally, within the clouds? Essentially, this paints a prophetic picture of those who dwell in heavenly places triggering revelation in one another, as they also ... Continue Reading →

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