A Consecrated Priesthood

I am just sending out a short note on the brink of Rosh Hashanah to share something special which follows up on the festival of firstfruits oil. I mentioned that it takes place on the 22nd Elul every year as the people presented their firstfruits virgin oil offerings to the Lord. The other event that begins on that day is the ordination of the new priests into temple service! You can find the description of this in Exodus 29. It was a seven day ordination process, completed just before Rosh Hashanah, so that the newly anointed priests began their ministry to the Lord as the New Year kicked in.
So Ethanim 1st was not only the day kings began their rule after being anointed and crowned. There were also priests replacing their fathers in priestly duties. For the six days that the wood offering is being brought in, there is a simultaneous intricate ordaining process being carried out in the Holy Place – different events depending on the location in the temple complex. For the faithful, there is fresh oil. Elsewhere, the wicked are being cut down to size. 'Say to righteous it shall be well with them, they will eat the fruit of their deeds. Woe to the wicked, it shall be ill with them...' (Isaiah 3:10)
Now, of course, we are not of the Levitical priesthood, because Jesus was a High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, so the ordaining or setting in place of a firstfruits Melchizedek priesthood for this endtime kingdom season that lies ahead is taking place right now. Today is the 29th Elul. It signifies the completion of the seven day ordination and consecration process and the year 5781 is rushing to meet us. Now let us look at parts of the process which is described in Exodus 29:
Those being ordained are washed and given priestly garments and new turbans before being anointed. Over those turbans is placed a holy crown, on which is engraved 'holy to the Lord'. Only once that seal on the forehead is in place, does the anointing begin. The order of this ordination process has great significance. So the firstfruits oil offering's first appointment of use is in the lavish anointing of the new priesthood. When we anoint people, we put a little dab on the forehead, but we know from psalm 133, that the anointing of the priest was a pouring (usually out of a ram's horn), so that the oil dripped down on the collar and the garments to the skirts! It is a saturating anointing.
Exo 29:6 And you shall put the turban or miter upon his head and put the holy crown upon the turban. Exo 29:7 Then take the anointing oil and pour it on his head and anoint him... Exo 29:35 Thus shall you do to Aaron and to his sons according to all I have commanded you; during seven days shall you ordain them.
Psa 133:2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;
Something significant I noticed was that the holy garments of the high priest who had died were passed on to the next generation, still carrying the oil of the former generation's anointing process. The new generation was then consecrated with a fresh pouring of oil. So the amount of oil on the garment multiplied exponentially, signifying an ever-increasing anointing. The Melchizedek priests being ordained in this hour receive both the same priestly garment as the Original High Priest after The Order of Melchizedek and the anointing HE carried for office, PLUS we receive our own portion. This is why Jesus said, 'Greater things shall you do, because I go to the Father'. This is why you need a change of garment. You need HIS garment, a garment of state, a seamless garment dipped in Blood, saturated with His anointing and the double portion then poured upon your consecrated head. The Melchizedek priests walk in the seven spirits of God. The Lord said to me a little while back, "It is time for the sevenfold fivefold". In other words, it is time to release a new wave of priests who operate in the fivefold ministry of the right hand of the Lord. They are those who carry the seven spirits and operate in a ruling anointing in the midst of their foes. He also said, "The Melchizedek priesthood are the shamash candle in the season that comes." The shamash candle is the center candle or lamp which is lit first and used to light all the other lamps on the menorah. The Melchizedek priests are those who represent the month of Ethanim, as they walk in a continually flowing anointing as the sons of fresh oil. THIS is the Spirit without measure.
Exo 29:29 The holy garments of Aaron shall pass to his descendants who succeed him, to be anointed in them and to be consecrated and ordained in them. Exo 29:30 And that son who is [high] priest in his stead shall put them on [each day for] seven days when he comes into the Tent of Meeting to minister in the Holy Place.
The priestly garments are then further sprinkled with Blood from the altar and with oil, in order to set them apart as holy:
Exo 29:21 Then you shall take part of the blood that is on the altar, and of the anointing oil, and sprinkle it upon Aaron and his garments and on his sons and their garments; and he and his garments and his sons and their garments shall be sanctified and made holy.
The word for 'consecration' of the priests also means 'to set gems in place'. How beautiful! Malachi 3 speaks of those who fear the Lord, who shall be His jewels in the day He openly displays them. The Lord commands that certain parts of the ram offering are to be eaten with bread by the priests at the door of the Tabernacle and no-one else is allowed to eat that meal. Any leftovers of the consecration offerings or the feast are to be burned with fire in the morning. It is a private banquet for a holy newly inducted priesthood, a feast on Him who is the original wave offering of God; revelation for the Melchizedek priesthood to be nourished and strengthened for the tasks that lie ahead.
Once consecrated into the priesthood, the lives of those holy ones are forever changed. From that 1st Ethanim/Tishrei of the new year that dawns, nothing will ever be the same again. Not only are they priests after the Order of Melchizedek, but they are kings, anointed to rule and reign in their assigned metrons. This is why the consecration is also a setting in place. They are firstfruits offerings to God, consecrated unto kingdom purposes, to dispense bread and wine like the first Melchizedek did to Abraham.
May the sweet honey of revelation of the Lamb upon the throne be your portion as you enter 5781 as His holy remnant, and may you feast upon the bread of Life and be strengthened as you eat the meat of Truth in the Holy Place. Let your oil of consecration make your face shine. His glory is risen upon you.
[…] after the scribes of the faithful Qumran remnant. We build on the understanding what special role consecrated priests play this Atonement day and the correlation with the Melchizedek […]
Thank you so much for your beautiful, Spirit filled words, dear sister. You have really opened up these Scriptures to me. Many blessings.