Moses My Servant is Dead… and Changes are Coming
During the first months of 2025, God began to speak to me about the passing of the baton from Moses to Josua on the brink of the Promised Land. On Friday 24th January, I had a flash vision of the Tip of the Spear just seconds away from plunging into the target. In other words, it was depicting that we have entered the time where we are about to cross over into the land of our spiritual inheritance. I then had a brother in Christ from Australia share with me that he had seen a vision that it was 3 seconds to midnight, which pretty much confirms the same thing. We are right at the pivot point of moving into a new and very different season. There were no giants in the wilderness; there were many giants in the Promised Land. There was not significant war in the wilderness, but there was a lot of war and driving out of old inhabitants and taking possession of the inheritance that God had given in the new season.
I started out thinking about the Israelites trekking through the wilderness, and how Moses was the Tip of the Spear. He was leading them towards the Promised Land. Then the Holy Spirit showed me that it was not only Moses, because Moses had Joshua at his right hand, who served him and helped him, and was basically his under-study … although Joshua didn’t realize it at the time. So, it was a twofold company that formed the Tip of the Spear. Although this Tip of the Spear moving through the wilderness leading the people was a double portion company, or two men, it was Moses who was in the limelight, and they moved as one, leading the people, but Joshua was hidden in the wings until the moment before crossover.
The Lord began to speak to me about the fact that the remnant Tip of the Spear company is actually comprised of a double portion company; some who are in the limelight so to speak, who are taking an active leadership role, going ahead and leading the rest of the Bridal Company. However closely attached and in step with them are a Joshua portion of people, almost indistinguishable because the Tip of the Spear just looks like one streamlined company, but God actually sees two portions within it. The Lord began to show me that just as was the case with Moses and Joshua, there is a portion of the Tip of the Spear company that He is going to retire, take out of the way, and bring home. They have served their purpose in leading the people of God by being forerunners passing through spiritual atmospheres before others, piercing spiritual veils and moving forward ahead of the rest of the Bridal Company.
God needs to take them home so that the Joshua portion can step into their role for the season of war. As long as Moses was around, Joshua was in the wings. The passing of the baton necessitates one person stepping aside, so another person can lay hold of the blueprint and run with it.
We can see this taking place in Deuteronomy 34: 4-9,
4 ‘Then the Lord said to him, “This is the land which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have let you see it with your eyes, but you shall not go over there.” 5 So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord. 6 And He buried him in the valley in the land of Moab, opposite Beth-peor; but no man knows where his burial place is to this day. 7 Although Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, his eyesight was not dim, nor his natural strength abated. 8 So the sons of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab for thirty days; then the days of weeping and mourning for Moses were ended.
9 Now Joshua the son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him; so the sons of Israel listened to him and did as the Lord commanded Moses.’
I want to say to you, Tip of the Spear, some of you may not know that the Lord is planning to take you home before the rest of the Tip of the Spear pierces into a new season of war and experiences and lays possession of the full inheritance of the manifestation of Christ within them. What has kept you going through the wilderness season has been the fact that you are looking for transfiguration and transformation, and the full impartation; the pleroma, the fullness of the Seven Spirits of God. But there are some among the Tip of the Spear that the Lord is going to retire in order that the virtue that they carry may be imparted to other members of the Tip of the Spear, who will then step into the leadership role and carry on as forerunners into the Promised Land.
I was just pondering all these things the Lord had been showing me about this double portion Tip of the Spear, and I heard two phrases:
‘Moses, a leaf in the wind, caught up’.
‘Joshua, a stone released from a catapult’.
Two very different pictures. Now a leaf caught up in the wind is obviously dead. It is detached from the tree. If it was still attached to the tree, the wind could not catch it up. When a leaf falls, it signifies the end of one season and the beginning of another.
Joshua, the phrase that comes to me with him is the one that Abigail spoke to David. ‘Your life is bound up in a living bundle with the Lord your God, and your enemies He will sling out as out of the centre of a sling.’ So, Joshua is the stone released from the catapult. After many revolutions in that catapult, round and round in quiet intimacy, he was released like a bullet to its target, leading God’s people against the collective giants of the Promised Land. Joshua knew God’s voice before he was instructed to take up the leadership position and cross over to war and inheritance.
What is the difference between the leaf and a stone? Well, it is structure and weight. Moses was not constructed as a weapon, he was constructed as a shepherd and a prophet. As the leaf was swept up, the stone was released from the sling.
Then the Lord began to unfold for me how I fitted into the whole picture He was painting. He showed me that Fresh Oil Releases, in its present form, is the ‘Moses’ that has led the remnant company thus far, to the border and the edge of the Promised Land of our inheritance. So, there is big change coming.
Many years ago, probably more than 20 now, I was spending time with the Lord and I saw a vision of angels filing out of a room and they each carried a big treasure box or jewellery box. When one of them was opened, inside was a folded-up garment. The Lord also took large crystal-shaped things, I don’t know exactly what they were made of, but He pushed two up into my hands and up my forearms, so that they could not be seen, and I said, “Lord what are You doing?” He said, “It is an anointing that is preserved and set aside for many years hence, and at the time I release it, it will begin to flow out of your hands.”
So that was very interesting, and the Lord reminded me of that when He was speaking to me about Fresh Oil Releases being the ‘Moses’ that had brought the people thus far. So, I said to the Lord, “Well what now Lord? What must I do now?” And He said, “Lay Fresh Oil Releases down, go up into the cleft of the rock, (which is what Pisgah means), and let Fresh Oil Releases in its present form die there. But before you do, let the Moses in you impart virtue, or anointing, to the Joshua in you.”
I thought, “How strange, there is a Moses in me and there is a Joshua in me”. I said, “Lord, I am not really understanding what You are saying.” He said, ‘” Awaken the dread champion inside you. Lay hands upon yourself and call forth Joshua in you, and anoint yourself with agarwood oil.”
Now for those who have been with me for more than a year, you will know that I shared a message on the essential oil agarwood, or it is called in the Bible, aloewood, or eaglewood is another name of it. That was in the message called Dead Men Walking that was shared in June 2024, so you can go and scroll back on the podcast main page to listen to that message, or you can go to the Storehouse page on this website and download the zip file of transcripts from June 2024.
So, He told me to lay hands on myself and call forth the Joshua in me, and to use aloewood essential oil, or it is also called agarwood. Then He took me to Deuteronomy 31:14, and it says this,
“Call Joshua and present yourselves at the tent of meeting, that I may give him his charge. So Moses and Joshua came and presented themselves at the tent of meeting. Then the Lord appeared at the tent in a pillar of cloud.”
I knew that the Lord was telling me to present myself before Him, both the Moses in me, and the Joshua in me, because the Lord wanted to charge or give an assignment to the Joshua in me.
It says in Deuteronomy 31: 7-8,
“Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel, “Be strong and courageous, for you shall go up with these people into the land that the Lord swore to their ancestors to give them, and you shall cause them to possess it.”
When I read that, the words ‘you shall go up with these people’ caused my spirit to leap, and I knew the Lord was not going to take me home, but that He was going to transform and bring forth from within me quite a different ministry to the one that I had previously walked in to help feed the remnant up until this point, and that He would use me to help the people of God to possess their inheritance in Christ.
So, when Moses and Joshua presented themselves at the tent of meeting, in verse 23 it says, “Then the Lord charged Joshua son of Nun: “Be strong and courageous,”. Now I want to say to you that it was the same words that Moses had just said in verse 7, but it is very different when words come out of the mouth of God. When Moses shared it with Joshua, it was information, but when the Lord charged Joshua, there was impartation. “Be strong and courageous, for you will bring the Israelites into the land I swore to give them, and I myself will be with you.”
So what the Lord told me was that I was to put on the prayer shawl that one of my subscribers had sent to me from Israel. I was to put that on, I was to anoint myself with the aloewood or agarwood oil, and I was to call forth the Joshua within me. When I did that there was a very powerful anointing that hit my whole body. I trembled from head to foot, I could feel something being imparted to me, and I also saw something in the spirit which I am going to share with you.
First of all, I want to say that when I put on that prayer shawl, which is an absolutely beautiful one, it is embroidered with birds and flowers in blues, different shades of blue, and turquoise, when I put it on, I heard the scripture from Song of Songs 2:10,
“My beloved speaks and says to me,
“Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away with me.
See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.
12 Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit;
the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.”
In other words there is new fruit potential, ‘“Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away with me,” again He says it, “My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside, show me your face, let me hear your voice;”
So once again the cleft of the rock is mentioned, the place where Moses was called to ascend to and die (Mt Pisgah means ‘cleft of the rock’), is the place that the Bride is called to arise and ascend to. In verse 14 of Songs 2, some translations say, ‘In the cleft of the rock in the secret place of the stairs.’ That word that King James translates ‘stairs’ also means ‘cliff’, so He is calling her up to high places. He is calling her to the place of intimacy because He wants to see her face and hear her voice. Just as Moses spoke to the Lord face to face and had a really intimate relationship, so the Bride is being called to rise up and ascend higher into the cleft of the rock. It is the place of intimacy. No wonder God called Moses to that place, because Moses was that man who knew God face to face.
It was astonishing that the tallit or prayer shawl that had been sent to me in June 2024, when I wrote that message Dead Men Walking, was the very one that was connected to this new message of calling forth the Joshua in me.
So, I really sensed the Lord was saying, “The Moses in you must be a dead man walking now, and the Joshua in you must arise and go forward”. Amazing the way God works isn’t it?
He called her in Songs 2 to “Arise and come away,” and that word is ‘halak’ in the Hebrew, it means ‘to walk, to depart, to move, to go away or to die’. In other words, leave your old life, let it be dead to you, and come up to a higher place, to the place of the cliffs where the eagles nest. That is why God called me to use agarwood or aloewood, or eaglewood is its other name, to anoint myself in calling forth the Joshua in me.
As the baton is handed over, Joshua is called forth, and I experienced an incredible amount of virtue or anointing transferred from one part of my spirit to another part of my spirit. As I prayed, I saw in the spirit a shelf of books tilting, and all the books sliding off onto another shelf in a different part of the library. The resting place of the books and their contents was being changed in an instant.
Now the reason why I am telling you this is because we tend to assume that we are aligned to only one character in the Word of God, or ‘I am an Esther’, or ‘I am a Deborah’, or ‘I am a Joshua’, or ‘I am a Paul’, but what the Lord was showing me is that because we are in Christ and all those characters in the Word of God depicted truths about Jesus, because He is the Word made flesh, that God can move us from one identification to another identification in a different chapter. So God was moving me from identifying with Moses, leading the remnant through the wilderness, because He called me and said, “Will you feed My sheep during the flood of the dragon?” And a shepherd is one who feeds and leads his sheep. Now He is saying, “There is a Joshua in you that I want to call forth for the next part of this journey”.
The Spirit reminded me of a passage in the Book of End Time Wine, when I saw that shelf of books tilting. For those of you who are new to this channel, you can download my books free on my website on the BOOKS page. In that book, the Spirit showed me the spiritual DNA of a person depicted as a library of books. What I had seen in the tilting books is the handover of the baton, the reassigning of a spiritual portion to another part of my spirit – in this case, the part where Joshua must be called forth. I had no idea there was a Joshua in me- first I’ve heard of it! It has been completely silent and muted until now, and suddenly God has called to awaken it.
I want to go on to share what the Lord showed me about Fresh Oil Releases. It says in the Word in Deuteronomy 34:7 that Moses was 120 years old when he died, and his eye was not dimmed and his natural force was not abated.
Fresh Oil Releases is not being laid down because I can no longer see in the Spirit and have no power, but because it is God’s ordained handover time to another portion. The ‘120 years old’ connects us to the 120 in the upper room waiting for the outpouring of the Spirit, which then caused them to pour out onto the street, into the midst of humanity.
In Deuteronomy 34:9 it says,
‘And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands upon him.’
Remember I said to you when I laid my hands on myself, with the eaglewood anointing oil, there was incredible impartation. What was contained in the Moses portion thus far was imparted to the Joshua portion. I would really encourage you to do this for yourself, to call for the Spirit of Joshua within you. Remember that Joshua is connected to Jesus, Yeshua; the Hebrew word Joshua means ‘Saviour’. So, when you call forth the Joshua within you, you are calling forth Christ in you, but you don’t want to lose that which you have accumulated in spiritual treasure thus far, which is why the Moses in you must impart the wisdom that you have gleaned thus far. Impart it to the Joshua in you so that you can carry it with you in the same way as Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, and put them inside the ark of His presence before he died, and that ark was carried over the Jordan into the Promised Land.
The Lord showed me that I must complete the work of everything that has to be uploaded to my Fresh Oil Releases website within these 30 days of the mourning for Moses that we are in. Because by the time we come to the 7th Aviv, when the people were told to prepare their provisions for 3 days in preparation for crossing over on 10th Aviv, by that time my Fresh Oil Releases website must be complete. So, I have already had my tech guy upload all my remaining songs to my website. There were 30 songs uploaded on the website for listening on the SONGS page, and there was also a zipfile on the MEDIA page where you could download all those songs. I have now uploaded from number 31 to number 71 of the songs in a zipfile on my MEDIA page for download, if you want to own a copy of the songs; they can also be listened to on the SONGS page. I have also uploaded a zipline of the lyrics for songs 31-71. So those are available for you to access, and get into your own possession. I sense there is one more song to come to complete the impartation the Lord designed in song for this website.
This is what the Lord said to me about the website; “It will serve as a repository, an ark if you will, holding the records of what I have said to you thus far. Just as Moses wrote the 5 books of the Torah and placed them in the ark, so too you have placed all that I have said to you thus far on the website for others to access. It is a well of refreshing, a compass pointing the way, and a signpost across the Jordan for those who come this way.”
Then He asked me a question; “Did Joshua record more of what God said and added it into the ark with the first 5 books?” I said, “No Lord”, and He answered me, “And neither will you. Though the ark was carried with them, no more was added to its contents.”
So, I knew that once I post this final post on my website explaining about crossing the Jordan, I will no longer be posting new posts on the website. And the Lord has also said to me I will no longer be posting transcripts on the STOREHOUSE page or sending them to email subscribers. ( I will continue to send emails to email subscribers notifying them of new podcasts. However, as gmail and yahoo regularly block my emails, it is safer to subscribe to the podcast as then you will be automatically notified when a new podcast is uploaded). The time of being handed the ready-written transcripts of the audio message is coming to an end, by the time we get to 10th Aviv, when the crossing over the Jordan took place.
I know a lot of you will be upset about that, because there are quite a number of people who say they prefer the transcripts, because then they can work through them and study them. But I want to say to you, in the same way as once they crossed from the wilderness to the Promised Land, they no longer had daily manna falling every day, that they just had to pick up and eat. When they got to the Promised Land they ate of the fruit of the land and they had to plant their own gardens and get their own food.
So, I will continue to do podcasts as long as the internet is available, on my Fresh Light Releases podcast. However, you will have to take a notebook and a pen when you listen to the podcasts, and make your own notes. That is why I would suggest to you that instead of just listening on the podomatic app, that you download the podcasts, so you have a copy of the podcasts to re-listen if you would like to, but if you write your own notes, you will find that it gets into your memory and into your spirit a lot quicker than if you just reading what someone else has given you to read.
So that is what the Lord has instructed me to do. NO MORE TRANSCRIPTS OF PODCASTS, NO MORE UPLOADS OF POSTS, once we come to the end of this mourning season for Moses, and just the frequency of the audio messages will go forth from that time forward. So, when is 10th Aviv 5785 on the early barley calendar? The new moon is due to be sighted on the evening of Saturday 1st March. That makes 2nd March the 1st day of the next Hebrew month, if the new moon is sighted on Sat night as expected.
I did ask the Lord if I was to change the name of the ministry, and He said to me this; “Elisha wore Elijah’s mantle. To those looking at its outward appearance, it looked like the same old mantle. But the person wearing it was different, and another portion of anointing had been added to it.”
So, it will still be called ‘Fresh Oil Releases’. However, under the covering of that name, God will have imparted the Joshua portion, which I will continue to pray comes forth as it should for the good of the body. I have changed the banner for the website to mark the change of season we are stepping into.
Now speaking of muted codons, Joshua, who had walked very closely with Moses right through the wilderness, had a whole portion of his calling muted until the handover moment. He then personally received his charge from God. God spoke courage and strength into him, and banished fear and trembling. He was also full of the Spirit of wisdom from Moses, so the first portion of the Kingly anointing was there. What was there left to receive? Well, of the seven Spirits of God there is the Spirit of Might, and the Spirit of Knowledge that had yet to be manifested. Both of these are imparted at the moment needed. Wisdom, which he received from Moses, is a well to draw from, but might and knowledge are tailored for the task at hand. The Spirit of Wisdom, which he received from Moses, was the first fruits of the Kingly anointing.
The Spirit of Might is always supplied in the moment of battle, as you follow through in obedience to the blueprint God gives you to fight the battle. The Spirit of Knowledge is also supplied at the moment needed.
Now an example of this is Esther who fasted for 3 days and received counsel and revelation in the secret place, and God’s battle blueprint. All that was given during the fast, while she was acting in her priestly portion but then when she implemented the blueprint God gave her, the Spirit of Knowledge and the Spirit of Might exposed Haman as the enemy and had him taken down.
Now I want to say to you, when possessing the Promised Land of your inheritance, you have to wait for the blueprint and execute it the way God said, just like when they surrounded Jericho. It was not a normal way to take down a city, but they had to do it the way God said, and then on the 7th day, when they shouted, the Spirit of Might was released and those walls fell down.
The mantle of wisdom is how to execute the blueprint you are given, or the plan, when to say what, and how to say it, to expose, strip and route the enemy. Esther did not just march in with her hands on her hips and say to the king, “Listen, this guy Haman that you are so enamoured with is an enemy and you need to get rid of him.” That would have just put the king’s back up. No, she had to give two love feasts or banquets with the enemy sitting across the table from her, and then, in God’s perfect timing, she said what God told her to say, and the king responded the way God knew he would respond. Haman was exposed and executed. Esther and Mordecai took over the house of Haman and wrote edicts to equip the people of God to defend themselves and route the enemy.
Joshua received the fullness of wisdom in the wilderness side of the Jordan, and then God imparted, through the Spirit of Counsel, what the blueprint was to cross the Jordan. The priests must carry the ark and stand in the middle of the river, and He would hold back the water. As this was executed in real time by the faithful, obedient footsteps of the priests carrying the ark, the Spirit of Might rolled back the waters to Adam, and the people crossed over on dry ground.
It was the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord that caused Joshua to know people must sanctify themselves before crossing over. Operating in the Spirit of Knowledge and government positioning, he told the people to sanctify themselves and walk 200 cubits behind the ark when it went ahead of them.
Joshua is a picture of what the book of Zechariah describes - God’s servant the branch operating both as a priest and a king, and all seven Spirits in operation. We see the seven Spirits described in Isaiah 11, but it says there, when it describes Jesus the branch, that his delight was in the fear of the Lord. Jesus is the original’ Servant, the Branch’, the high priest after the order of Melchizedek.
Did you know that Joshua died when he was 110? That connects us to Psalm 110, which is the Melchizedek priesthood psalm. “Sit until I make your enemies your footstool. The Lord at your right hand will strike through kings.” In other words, in the battle God is with you, operating in a Spirit of might. The remnant Tip of the Spear is now going to cross over into the fullness of this Melchizedek priesthood in the next chapter, and I am delighted that I am going to be a part of experiencing that in the earth with you.
Just know this, that the seven Spirits are not visibly burning all at the same time. As you do what Jesus the Branch did –
- Doing what you see the Father doing, seeing is connected to the Spirit of revelation or understanding.
- Saying what you hear the Father saying, which is what the Spirit of Counsel is operating deep in your spirit.
So, seeing and hearing is the Spirit of Revelation, and the Spirit of Counsel. Then the kingly authority and anointing manifests in kairos moments, as you are fulfilling the blueprints of God - blind eyes opening, prisoners released, dead raised. It is a ‘hand in glove’ operation; you are the glove, fully emptied, dead man walking, and filled with the governmental anointing that is given to the sons of right hand.
Ruling in the midst of God’s foes, you are His righteous sceptre extended from the heavenly Mt Zion, where Christ and the Church of the First Born are positioned.
Haggai 2:21-23 says this, “Yet once more I will shake the heavens and the earth,” and then He speaks of overthrowing and destroying the ungodly. Then God says, ‘In that day’, what day? The day of the shaking and fall of the ungodly,
“In that day I will take you, “ in other words you are chosen,
“and I will make you my signet ring.” He will take us and He will make us His signet ring,
“For I have chosen you.”
There is an awful lot there about what God is going to do. What you need to do is be a dead man walking. God says, “I will take you, and I will make you… for I have chosen you”. Hallelujah!
The difference between the Moses chapter and the Joshua chapter is going from, ‘it’s coming up ahead’, to ‘IT IS HERE, LET US ARISE AND POSSESS THE FULLNESS OF WHAT IS ALLOTTED US’. That is the difference. It is moving from the prophetic; looking and speaking and seeing by faith what is coming, to POSSESSING THE SUBSTANCE OF WHAT HAS NOW COME.
The time has come for the faithful remnant to receive the fullness or pleroma of the seven Spirits of God! Halleluyah!