Arise and Cross Over

I have been aware for some time that my website is in danger of being taken out because of holding an alternative worldview to those who serve Beelzebub. And the Lord has been faithful to send me someone who provides a service in moving completely away from Wordpress, Mailchimp, Dropbox and other big brother type platforms, and onto my own small piece of internet turf. When praying about taking the leap to get this in motion, the Spirit’s wise counsel to me was:
“This is your watering hole, where the sheep come to drink.
It needs to be shored up and protected from marauders.”
So, in the last month, a certain gift from God has been laboring into the wee hours to produce a completely new site. And he has done an amazing job! In a few days’ time, it will be up and running. However, for the couple of days of transition, the comments on this old Wordpress site will not be approved or answered. The address of the new site will be the same as the old one,, but should the internet trolls decide to try and set up a road block to prevent to finding the most updated version of my blog, PLEASE TYPE THE FOLLOWING IP ADDRESS into your web browser NOW and save or bookmark it as Fresh Oil Releases: (this has been corrected)
My subscription form will now be hosted on the site and not on Mailchimp from now on, as will all my Storehouse files. I really thank God for His faithfulness in providing just the right person at the right time to help me arise and cross over to a new piece of consolidated, protected territory. May it serve as a prophetic parable of what He is doing with His Bridal Company at this time. That which you have known needs to be done, must be done NOW. Arise and cross over.
May you continue to be encouraged, nourished and challenged by the Holy Spirit as you read what He has given me to share with His sheep in these pivotal times.
In His service,
Hi Christine, just a heads up that you posted in the other media outlet (don't want to say it here). Yahuah bless you for your obedience, I have your last three posts to catch up on.