Impartation and Overflow ~ pt 1

Beloved, we are just over two weeks away from Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights and the Spirit of the Lord has been zooming in on all the landmark events occurring during this special time in Biblical history. He has been showing me a number of prophetic parallels for the holy remnant, so this will probably be the first of a series on Hanukkah. It begins on Kislev 25th (at 6pm on 10th December 2020) and lasts for 8 days; often being referred to as the second Tabernacles. It celebrates an amazing supernatural multiplication of oil in one remnant cruse. So much oil flowed from that one day's worth that the candlestick remained lit for 8 full days. Now that is an amazing prophetic picture in itself—a hidden remnant oil cruse discovered and put to use in a time of significant need for light in the temple of God!
It was during this feast in the 9th month of the civil calendar that Mary was visited by Gabriel and overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, and after this profound encounter, she traveled to the hill country to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, for 3 months (Luke 1).
Luk 1:39 And at that time Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country to a town of Judah, Luk 1:40 And she went to the house of Zachariah and, entering it, saluted Elizabeth. Luk 1:41 And it occurred that when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with and controlled by the Holy Spirit.
There are a number of prophetic insights we can glean from these few verses:
- Mary, no doubt led by the Spirit, immediately sought fellowship from another who had experienced a linked supernatural encounter. The Spirit connected this meeting to a very interesting verse describing eagles gathering where there is meat to be shared (Mat 24:28, LukE 17:37) Who are the eagles? They are those who have received revelation and impartation of what is to come. They carry the future in their spiritual wombs! Remember also that it is the wings of an eagle that are supplied to the woman in Rev 12 so that she can escape from the dragon's flood!
What is very interesting is that Matthew and Luke use different words for 'body' when describing the gathering of these eagles. Matthew uses ptoma, which means 'corpse'. In other words, the person is dead! Why is this significant? Because both Elizabeth and Mary had died to their own reputations, their own plans and their own wills and both had surrendered to the 'out of time' wisdom of God. To have a forerunner brought forth by a woman who was past childbearing age was as illogical to the human mind as bringing forth the Messiah from a young girl who had just entered womanhood. And it is completely beyond the ability of man to bring this about. God gets ALL the glory in this gathering! The eagles are those who have said, "Not my will, but let Your will be done on earth as it is written in heaven, through me".
Luke uses the word soma, which means 'whole body' or 'slave'. What does this tell us about this gathering together? It is a gathering of the whole body of the bondslaves of the Lamb which occurs during Hanukkah; all those involved in bringing forth that which is planned by Heaven are brought together by the Spirit of the Lord at the appointed time of Hanukkah, for an extended season of sweet fellowship around the things of God. And wherever two or more are gathered, there He is in the midst of them! Others in Israel are going through the rituals of lighting the candles for 8 nights to celebrate this feast, as they do every year, but this gathering of eagles are experiencing a fullness of times encounter where God's Kingdom plans have entered the earth realm through their surrendered lives. They are the ones God has favored, chosen and brought near to be actively involved in Heaven's work on earth in the season ahead.
Jesus made this statement about the eagles gathering after telling the disciples that a time of two being in a field and one being 'taken' and one being left was coming. This word for 'taken' is the Greek word meaning 'to bring near'. So this time of separation described occurs when the Son of Man is revealed, apokalupto - meaning to take off the cover or disclose; and has to do with choosing one and not another. Of all the other girls in her village, Mary was chosen and brought near in order to experience an overshadowing by the spirit. The Son of Man was revealed through her. Jesus is coming to be glorified in His people before He comes for His people. So we know that the gathering of the eagles brings about the revealing of Christ in a company. Matthew 24 tells us that it is also a time of false Christs and false prophets abounding, but among the eagles, there is an outpouring of the revelation or revealing of Christ. - The pinpoint location the Spirit chooses for this encounter is significant. Firstly, it is in the hill country, not the valley, not the plateau, but in a place of ascending higher and then dwelling there. There is a need to come up higher for these eagles; a need to see things from a Heavenly perspective. God delights in totally ignoring social protocol and culture and all the other boxes men like to live in to be proper and correct and His ways are not our ways. We cannot see as Heaven sees or begin to understand His ways or His plan if we remain on the level where we usually reside.
Mary had to leave her friends, people and her father's house and move to the viewing place where she would see a bigger picture of what God was doing. Heaven was working in secret to bring forth a voice or sound that would be a way-maker for others to return to God and everything was being brought to full term in God-appointed order. She could not stay where people were just going through the usual daily chores. She needed the environment of the miraculous for a season. She needed fellowship with those who had understanding of the times, those who were a holy people, set apart for the purposes of Heaven. Because she believed there would be a fulfillment of those things spoken to her from the Lord, she needed to be with others who were walking in a supernatural season too.
Just as Jesus taught and ministered truth and wisdom during the Festival of Lights (John 10:22), so too the Holy Spirit has revelation light and blueprints to download to you. You have found favor with God—all you who say, "Be it unto me according to Your word". Be expectant. It is a time of angelic encounter; a time of Heaven's DNA scrolls being carried to earth.
During this feast, Jesus was speaking in Solomon's porch about His sheep, who hear His voice and follow Him. Solomon was known for his wisdom. You will be given wisdom during the days of Hanukkah to negotiate the days ahead. Jesus declares during this feast that His sheep are known to Him and He stresses the fact that no-one can snatch them out of His hand. We need to remember this in the days ahead—His voice will accompany us and direct us where we need to go and as we obey, we move forward under His protection.
Psa 25:12 Who is the man who reverently fears and worships the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way that he should choose… Psa 25:14 The secret [of the sweet, satisfying companionship] of the Lord have they who fear (revere and worship) Him, and He will show them His covenant and reveal to them its [deep, inner] meaning.
Then, for the 3 months following Hanukkah, it is crucial you do not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, or stand in the company of sinners, or sit in the seat of the scornful (psalm 1). Be led by the Spirit to seek the company of those who delight in the law of the Lord and meditate upon it day and night. What God imparts to your spiritual womb at Hanukkah must be nurtured in the right spiritual environment. Those who fear the Lord are gathering together by the Spirit all across the earth in the season of Hanukkah, to share the meat of the Word; to acknowledge the profound heavenly work going on in each others' spiritual wombs and to praise God for His glorious purposes in the earth. - The second important thing about the location of this eagle gathering is that it takes place in Judah territory. This is the tribe from which Father God chose to bring forth a priesthood after the order of Melchizedek; a priesthood that was maintained by the power of an endless supernatural life. So different was this priesthood from the Aaronic priesthood that it didn't fit into the understanding of the religious community as to how the priesthood should function. God was turning the priesthood blueprint of its head! There was no precedent for a priest from the tribe of Judah to offer incense at the altar—OR to enter the Holy of Holies, before Jesus came along. God was breaking earthly patterns built from old blueprints and instituting new heavenly patterns in the earth realm. Hanukkah is a time for forgetting the former things because God is doing a new thing in the earth; something that those stuck in their old religious patterns will struggle to comprehend.
- Zacharias means 'God has remembered'. This house where the eagles gather is the place where those whose names are written in the Book of Remembrance are recorded. These are the ones who are God's jewels, who, although presently hidden and unknown, are going to be openly displayed and acknowledged as His jewels (Malachi 3) and He promises to spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him—in other words, God sees their well-spent lives and marks them for protection and deliverance.
Zachariah and Elisabeth lived at a village called Ein Kerem or Beth Kerem, meaning the Spring of the Vineyard or the House of the Vineyard. The vineyard is a spring!
Isa 5:1 LET ME sing my greatly Beloved a tender song of my Beloved concerning His vineyard. My greatly Beloved had a vineyard on a very fruitful hill.
The Jubilee Bible translates the Hebrew 'ben shemen keren' stated above as 'on a very fruitful hill' as 'in the horn of the sons of oil'! My goodness, what a glorious picture of the planting place of the vineyard—inside the horn carried by the sons of oil! So the spring flowing out of the vineyard not only yields living water but continuously flowing oil! Zechariah's house is the place where it's all happening spiritually in the next 5 months. And this picture of continuously flowing oil connects us to the vision of the two pipes supplying oil to the candlestick in the Book of Zechariah.
Domus Zachariae is the Latin name of Ein Kerem, meaning 'The house of Zechariah'. The Arabic name for this village is Ain Karim, meaning 'dresser of the vineyard'. What can we learn from all these different names for God's appointed gathering-place of the eagles? It is a place of living water continuously flowing. It is the place where the branches who abide in the Vine are gathered together to drink. It is the place where the dresser of the vines prunes off unnecessary parts from the vine so that maximum fruit is achieved. - Elisabeth had been secluded and hidden, experiencing this growing sound within her for 5 months, but when the Festival of Lights comes round, it is time for God-orchestrated fellowship. Expect to have God bring you into contact with those God is working mightily in. Expect God-appointments as He brings together His body of bondslave eagles within the environment of the horn of the sons of oil.
- When the 'forerunner' meets the 'main attraction' during Hanukkah, there is a powerful witness and an outpouring and infilling of the vessel is triggered! And it is an outpouring of the Spirit of Elijah that fills both the babe in the womb and his mother. He is the very first son of oil appointed to release a sound in the wilderness that precedes the coming of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. And the final two sons of oil will prepare the way for the second coming of the King of Kings.
This Festival of Lights is a season of appointed visitation to fill and anoint the sons of oil company. Be ready. - When Elisabeth called Mary 'highly favoured among women' and the bearer of Christ, Mary launched forth in prophetic song, quoting some of the verses from the song of Hannah and adding anointed words from the Spirit for the season ahead. This Hanukkah is the season for the release of prophetic song and decree. Notice in Luke 1:46-55 that Mary declares everything as an established fact in the past tense, although none of it has materialized in the earthly realm at the time of her song. This is the way we must decree and prophesy during this Festival of increasing light; declaring the finished works of the Lord of Hosts, that principalities and powers may hear the judgments written. We believe and therefore we must speak forth and declare the works of God, that His Kingdom may come on earth as it is in Heaven. The spoken word has power to release the manifestation as we release the sound of what has already been written.
We don't need to think up things to say ourselves. Take the ever-settled and established Word of God and as you are led by the Spirit to the right portions of Scripture, arise and decree in song. As you do so, the angelic army is released to bring to manifestation the will of God in the earth.
The war at the present juncture is a war of sound; the sound of death versus the sound of life, words of death and destruction pitted against words of life and power. It is the war of dragon and his angels pitted against the remnant army and the angelic hosts. While the NWO promoters spew out words of death and the grave, let us be like David, who ran toward the giant declaring, "I come against you in the name of the Lord of Hosts. Who are you, you uncircumcised Philistine, to challenge the armies of the Living God?!" Set your mouth apart for holy use and as Jeremiah 15:19 says separate the precious from the vile and you shall act as His mouthpiece in the earth. Prepare to receive blueprints and downloads and copious oil during Hanukah.
Psa 149:5 Let the saints be joyful in the glory and beauty [which God confers upon them]; let them sing for joy upon their beds.Psa 149:6 Let the high praises of God be in their throats and a two-edged sword in their hands, [Heb. 4:12; Rev. 1:16.] Psa 149:7 To wreak vengeance upon the nations and chastisement upon the peoples,Psa 149:8 To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron,Psa 149:9 To execute upon them the judgment written.
Very appreciate it!
Thank you very much! Since last year,God gave me words about Haggai 2:18-23,and i ponder on the verse “from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month ,from the day that the foundation of the Lord’s temple was laid”I know this day is the eve of Hanukkah, but in my spirit I know it is more than that, and I cannot figure what’s the significance, when I read this article by accident,I felt you know it! So it is the reason I asked you for more details ,thanks again sister for your feeding God’s sheep!very appropriate it!May God strengthen you daily ,and pray for you!
and Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights, Jesus coming as the Light of the World.
Hi Erin.I presume you are talking about Hanukkah, not Habakkuk. I have known for years that Jesus was born on 1st Tishrei, Rosh Hashanah. It is the day Adam was created. God is always true to His prophetic types and shadows. If one subtracts a pregnancy length from that date, one comes to the beginning of Hanukkah. In addition, the following scripture refers to the eve of the 1st Hanukkah:
Hag 2:18 Consider, I pray you, from this day onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid, consider this...
The foundation of the Lord's temple, in this case the human body of Jesus, would be the overshadowing or supplying of the divine 'sperm' containing the DNA of God to fuse with Mary's ovum, to create the Son of God made man in her womb.
Thanks for ur reply, Angel visited Mary at the six month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, then Mary went to fellowship with Elizabeth for 3 months, my concern is the concordance between this period and the feast of Habakkuk, so may be you have the information about The date when Angel visited Mary according to ecclesiastical calendar, please share with me, thanks again,God bless you!
If you read Luke 1 carefully, the angel tells Mary that Elizabeth is in the sixth month of her pregnancy, so when it it says that Mary left in the 6th month, it refers to Elizabeth's pregnancy. The other details about the kings I got from Yedidah at
Look in her 'recent articles' at top right. They download when you click on the headings.
Thanks for your sharing!and I also appreciate your labor !in Luke 1:26 said in the sixth month the angel Gabriel visited Mary .there is no exact day mentioned,I am humbled to ask u can you share more information or historical records about What you said in the feast of 9 month of civil calendar and the fellowship during the Hanukkah?thanks again.
Thanks Christine for such an inspiring message! Reminds me of the combination of early and latter rains together. Everything is coming together working for the good. Thanks again.
Hi Susan, yes, I removed your comment and replied to your private email address. The Lord has warned me not to openly discuss issues that will cause my website to be flagged and shut down before it is absolutely impossible to avoid. It is more important to get out what the Lord is saying to the remnant than to bait the bear at this point. I trust you will understand.
Hi Christine,
I left a comment on this message for you yesterday and it's not here now. Was it blocked from your site? Just wondering. ♡
Thank you Christine, I so needed to read this today.
We are entering into an amazing time!