Fresh Oil
Light to walk by in the darkness of this world

The Fuse Has Been Lit

 Audio Version HERE On 4th November, when the ballots were being counted for the US election, I was contemplating what was unfolding and asked the Lord what He said about what was going on. Immediately He replied by singing the ... Continue Reading →

Final Warning

Audio Version HERE  I have been pondering the types, and patterns in the Word and their relevance to the prophetic season we stand in. Because there is a lot to share, I am going to do it in two parts, ... Continue Reading →

Final Warning ~ pt 2

Audio Version HERE   This is the second portion of what the Spirit shared with me for the 10th Cheshvan. This day when God gave the final warning to Noah was an auspicious date in Heaven's calendar for another reason. ... Continue Reading →

Angels on Assignment

Please note that the message contained in this word holds true for the set-apart remnant, and not for those who talk the spiritual talk but do not walk the holy walk. AUDIO VERSION HERE "Daughter..." Yes, Lord... "Do NOT fear." ... Continue Reading →

Word for 5781

Audio Version Here On 19th September in the morning watch, I woke very early and the Lord started the conversation with a statement: "5781 – The Year of the Horse" "Which horse, Father?"  I asked. "The black horse... The year ... Continue Reading →

© / Christine Beadsworth, All natural rights reserved.