Piercing the Darkness

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On 23rd Sept, during the Days of Awe, I was awakened in the 3rd watch of the night with a vision. I saw soldiers in battle armor running forward into a pitch black night with their swords in their right hands – and strangely, each held a lit lantern in their left hands. I could tell they were following orders from headquarters, as men who are under authority do. They ran with purposeful strides as if they knew exactly where they were going. I asked the Lord how on earth they would be able to fight while clutching lanterns. Then I saw them swing their lanterns and rays of light cut into the darkness with the power of a strong punch. With that, I saw demons knocked over backwards by the power of the light. Previously the darkness had seemed solid black, but when I saw the effect of the light on the demonic beings, I realized that these soldiers were advancing into atmosphere packed to the hilt with demonic henchmen and the lantern was part of their weaponry. And I heard a scripture spoken: 'My Word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.'
Then the Holy Spirit took me to Song of Songs and the palanquin of Solomon emerging from the wilderness on his wedding day:
Son 3:6 Who or what is this [she asked] that comes gliding out of the wilderness like stately pillars of smoke perfumed with myrrh, frankincense, and all the fragrant powders of the merchant? Son 3:7 [Someone answered] Behold, it is the traveling litter (the bridal car) of Solomon. Sixty mighty men are around it, of the mighty men of Israel. Son 3:8 They all handle the sword and are expert in war; every man has his sword upon his thigh, that fear be not excited in the night.
These soldiers are expert in war. They have learned to war with their lanterns; to wield the Word of God in a way that the powers of darkness are scattered. Actually, the sword in the right hand and the lantern in the left hand depict the same thing - the Word of God, but the fact that it is shown twice on both the right and left hand side alludes to being able to rightly divide the Word of Truth. There was no sweat involved in scattering those demons lurking in the darkness. All it took was the lifting and wielding of the lantern of Truth and they fell backwards, much like the soldiers who came to arrest Jesus, when He stated, "I Am He." As Song of Songs 3:8 states, with the mighty men surrounding the bride and bridegroom, there is no need for anyone to be afraid, no matter how dark it gets. His remnant mighty men know their God and shall be strong and do exploits!
Following this, the Lord took me to Luke 10, where Jesus released 70 to enter the surrounding villages where He was about to visit. They formed the opening act before the Son of God Himself would show up on the scene and they went out with delegated authority to heal the sick and announce the arrival of the kingdom of God before His coming.
Luk 10:19 Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you. Luk 10:20 Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are enrolled in heaven.
70 is a number that refers to the nations. 70 people from the family of Jacob entered Egypt during the famine. When the Israelites were led out of Egypt, they first came to Elim, where 70 palm trees stood, representing an upright fruitful bridal company in the nations (In Song of Songs, the Bridegroom likens the bride to a palm tree).
Once again in these days, Jesus is sending out a company of '70', bridal saints into every nation on earth. They spring forth out of the womb of the morning as dew in the day of His power (psalm 110), going out with delegated authority to heal the sick and announce the coming of the kingdom of God to those they meet. They walk in authority to tread upon scorpions and serpents and are protected from any harm. Psalm 91, a bridal psalm, also speaks of treading upon serpents and being under god's protection, with angels accompanying them. In every nation, anointed bridal saints will heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and announce that the Kingdom of God is HERE!
Not coincidentally, today, Tishrei 11th is the day after Moses came down from Mount Sinai, during which Jethro advised him to delegate authority to captains over tens and hundreds. These men would be receiving metrons of ruling authority to judge matters on Moses' behalf. In the same way, now that the days of Awe are complete, those who have prepared their hearts sufficiently and been found faithful and trustworthy shall be receiving marching orders to go forward carrying newly delegated heavenly authority to operate in the earthly realm. Remember Joshua the high priest in the book of Zechariah received rich garments, garments of state, to equip him to operate in a new metron of governmental authority. He was also told that the men who sat before him would be 'men of a sign' or 'men of miracles'. They would be receiving authority to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons. We have come to this time, Beloved remnant. As the demonically infested darkness pervades the earth, you carry the lantern of the Word of the God of Light into that darkness. Wield it with authority apportioned you by Heaven and cut a path through the darkness for the Bridal company. We are the first act, announcing the coming of the Bridegroom King in every place we enter. Wield the Word you hold in your hand without fear, knowing that the light shines on in the darkness and the darkness has never overcome it.
The days between Yom Kippur and Tabernacles are taken up with building individual 'sukkahs' or booths for this Feast of Tabernacles/booths. This feast celebrates the Israelites' liberty from Egypt and time in the wilderness, where God was in the midst of them as a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire; a time when their every need was met and they saw miraculous provision of both food and water. Tabernacles is called the Season of our Joy. Weeping endures for a night but joy comes in the morning. Use these days before 6pm on Friday 2nd October to build a spiritual place where God can manifest His goodness in your midst. Carve out a substantial portion of your daily life as a booth, a trysting place for you and your Bridegroom King. If you build it, He will come! He will be a ring of fire round about you and glory in the midst.
During these days from 8th Tishrei to 15th, Solomon was dedicating the altar before the first Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated in the newly built temple:
1Ki 8:65 So at that time Solomon held the feast, and all Israel with him, a great assembly, from the entrance of Hamath to the Brook of Egypt, before the Lord our God, for seven days [for the dedication] and seven days [for the Feast of Tabernacles], fourteen days in all. 1Ki 8:66 On the eighth day he sent the people away; they blessed the king and went to their tents with greatest joy and gratitude for all the goodness the Lord had shown to David His servant and Israel His people.
It was during this celebration of the feast of Tabernacles that the glory of God filled the house so that the priests could not stand to minister. Let us prepare the altar of our lives with joyful expectation of the outpouring of His glory in our midst. We are His temple which will taste and see that the Lord is good. Within our earthen vessels, He intends to pour out His glory.
He is coming IN His people before He comes FOR His people.
Laborers are being sent into the harvest fields, equipped with delegated kingdom authority. All the preparation time has been worth it. Forget what lies behind, a new season has begun. Reach forward with all your strength to lay hold of what lies ahead. He will be glorified in the earth. He will be glorified through you!
Amein Amein Amein!! He is coming IN His people before He is coming for His people. Let their be Light!
[…] and shining in a dense darkness that can be felt (here He is referring to a word called ‘Piercing the Darkness‘, written in 2020). As they separate themselves even more as holy unto Me, the light apportioned […]
[…] and shining in a dense darkness that can be felt (here He is referring to a word called ‘Piercing the Darkness‘, written in 2020). As they separate themselves even more as holy unto Me, the light […]
God’s time, not ours.
Even though... Hope deferred gets the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life (Prov.13:12).
For the word of the LORD is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness (Psa. 33:4).
Let us remain in a state of expectation, full of faith, and ready for assignment.
This is the time I have waited for, for so many years! Do it Lord! Come to your people, Beloved! I will do what I know to do and believe You Lord for Your outpouring!
Is it surely, without a shadow of doubt, time for the release from the wilderness?
Some of us can hardly hope any more with so many reassuring words in the past of our release that always ended up delayed?
And we came to understand that God was doing a corporate work hence we had to all wait for a corporate set time. Is it surely the set time of the church now or will there be delays still?