Sound the Alarm on My Holy Hill

Fresh Oil Releases has always been about sharing what I have seen and heard in my walk with the Lord. Sometimes, it takes days, weeks, months to get full understanding of things He says and hindsight brings a flow of wisdom. Such has been the case in this past week. Sentences and phrases have been heard which seemed to make no sense at the time, but on gazing back over the events of the week, light has dawned in some areas. So I am going to share as much as I see and perhaps the Spirit has supplied you with other parts of the puzzle. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing and the glory of kings to search it out.
In the early morning of the 2nd August, I dreamt I was driving with a friend on a tar road and on the horizon was huge orb, the surface of which was pale blues, greens and pinks, much like the Aurora Borealis. "Look at the moon!" I exclaimed, wanting to get a picture of it. She turned the car round and went back to the spot on the road where we had a good view and, by this time, the colors had gone and the planet was a pale, patchy white, much like the full moon looks in the early mornings as it goes down in the West. By this time I realized this was not the moon but another huge planet! On reflection after waking, I realized the Lord had shown me that a time was coming when we would be able to see the incoming Planet X with the naked eye, very close to us in broad daylight.
Another section of the dream stressed that the Book of James was very important in this season. This book deals with going through trials, seeking wisdom, looking after widows and orphans, dealing with our tongues, repenting for friendship with the world, judgment on the unrighteous rich, loss of their wealth, patience and endurance during suffering, the nearness of the Lord's coming, confessing sins to one another so healing may come, and bringing back those who have strayed from the truth.
The last part of the dream involved being told, "You have 3 days left". I had no idea what the Lord was referring to and He didn't elaborate.
Then, on Tuesday evening 4th Aug, at 6:07pm, Beirut in Lebanon experienced a horrific explosion which leveled half the city. Untold human suffering resulted and more than 300 000 people became homeless in the space of a few minutes. In the days which followed, video footage emerged which indicated a missile had struck ammonium nitrate stores at the port, not long after a fire at an Iranian weapons storehouse at the port had been reported. It is still unclear who fired the missile, but it is plain that it was a nuclear warhead because the port is built on rock and ammonium nitrate does not have the capacity to create the size of the crater which resulted from the blast. A nuclear warhead however is designed to sink into the ground of its target and then explode, creating the massive hole which is now filled with sea water. A 10x spike in radiation levels was also recorded far away in Italy, a short time after the blast.
It has been mentioned that a prophecy given in the last year said that world war 3 would begin after a blast in Beirut. I have no knowledge of who spoke this prophecy. However, it is very likely that based on the assumptions as to who fired the missile, a retaliatory strike will probably be issued on the suspected nation. I share these things for those who have only had access to the official narratives on mainstream news outlets.
As I was praying for the people of Beirut, the word 'blast' kept ringing in my ears. So I decided to check its usage in the Word. Here are the verses the Spirit led me to:
Isa 25:2 For You have made a city a heap, a fortified city a ruin, a palace of aliens without a city [is no more a city]; it will never be rebuilt. Isa 25:3 Therefore [many] a strong people will glorify You, [many] a city of terrible and ruthless nations will [reverently] fear You. Isa 25:4 For You have been a stronghold for the poor, a stronghold for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm, a shade from the heat; for the blast of the ruthless ones is like a rainstorm against a wall.
Hab 2:17 For the violence done to Lebanon will cover and overwhelm you; the destruction of the animals [which the violence frightened away] will terrify you on account of men's blood and the violence done to the land, to the city and all its inhabitants.
Isa 33:9 The earth mourns and languishes: Lebanon is ashamed and hewn down
'The blast of the ruthless ones' - how ruthless one has to be to knowingly strike a city full of people... And this senseless tragedy is only a foretaste of the terrible war that will unfold. But this blast is like the pounding of a rainstorm on a wall if the Lord is your stronghold.
In the midst of all this tragedy, two very prophetic incidents happened. Firstly, a newly married bride was busy having photographs taken in a square close to the port, when the explosion happened. Although shaken, she and her husband escaped unharmed. Here we have a prophetic depiction of the day of the wedding; it will be on a day of tumult and disaster in the earth, but the Bride will be sheltered and protected as she runs to her Bridegroom's strong arms.
This bride's name is Israa Seblani. Israa is a variation of the name Israa, meaning “nocturnal journey”. The name is derived from 'Sara' meaning 'to travel at night'. Do you remember when I shared about the constellations of Ursa Major and Minor and the Lord asking me if I wanted to travel by day or night? Well, this marvellous protection and shelter experienced by Israa and her groom depicts those who have chosen to 'travel by night', leaning not on their own understanding or natural vision but trusting fully in the leading of the Spirit by His pillar of fire. And look at the amazing scripture calling the bride to come away from Lebanon:
Son 4:7 [He exclaimed] O my love, how beautiful you are! There is no flaw in you! Son 4:8 Come away with me from Lebanon, my bride, come with me from Lebanon. Depart from the top of Amana, from the peak of Senir and Hermon, from the lions' dens, from the mountains of the leopards.
The second profoundly prophetic thing that happened was that at the exact moment of the blast, a mother, Emmanuelle (!), was in labor in a hospital operating theater. The theater was partially destroyed and the room plunged into darkness but as you know, the birth process stops for no man. And the doctors delivered a healthy baby boy, who has been named George. What a profound prophetic portrayal of the manchild being brought forth in the day of cloud and fiery blast. This baby's name means 'tiller of the soil, plowman'. Remember the scripture in Amos:
Amo 9:13 Behold, the days come, says the LORD, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that sows seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt.
We have entered the days of this prophetic scripture being fulfilled. Its peaks of a time when everything is speeded up; when the harvesters are still busy picking the ripe grain, and the plowman begins to carve up the field and tread under the harvest; harvest is a time of joy. Plowing speaks of breaking up the fallow ground of our hearts and repenting. This scripture also speaks of a time when no sooner is the seed sown, than judgment is reaped in kind for the act carried out. The wages of sin is death and a man reaps what he sows but the whole process is greatly speeded up from now on.
It is surely no coincidence that this manchild was brought forth in the darkness in Saint George Hospital! Saint George was famous for killing the dragon. In Revelation 12, the dragon waits to devour the manchild as he comes forth but does not succeed as He is caught up to the throne.
It was only the day after the explosion in Beirut that I remembered what the Lord had said in the early morning of 2nd August - '3 days left'. The blast occurred after 6pm on 4th August. In the Hebrew calendar; the next day begins at 6pm. Therefore the blast occurred just after the beginning of the evening of the 16th Av. So '3 days left' refers to 2nd, 3rd, 4th August. We have crossed a marker in Heaven's calendar and nothing will ever be the same again.
In the early morning of the 7th August, I was awakened by a voice which said, "In 40 days, tribulation begins". Not 'the tribulation', but 'tribulation; suffering, turmoil, sorrow, harrowing times. From the 7th August, the 40 day period arrives directly before the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. One of the names of this feast is 'the Day of the Awakening Blast'. The blast in Beirut is just a harbinger of what is very shortly coming.
The 40 day time period connects to the call to repentance that Jonah gave to the wicked city of Nineveh. They repented from the king to the street-sweeper and God showed mercy. What is very interesting is the discovery by Gill Broussard that the planet 7x was doing one of its flybys through earth's orbit at precisely that time in history. So we know that repentance can avert massive destruction. The hand of God can nudge asteroids and planets a couple of inches to the left or right and deliver a repentant people or greatly lessen the impact of the judgment decreed. I believe God spoke this 40 day warning to me because He desires His people to cry out to Him for mercy in the midst of judgment. We already know that He showed Pastor Dana Coverstone that the month of September was to be a time of solemn assembly; of fasting and prayer.
This morning, 08/08 on the calendar, I received a message that a Global Daniel fast has been called for 40 days, beginning on this very day, until the 17th September. The goal is to pray at 9am, 12pm and 3pm daily in order to arrest the enemy's plan to unleash a spirit of death and destruction on planet earth.
The 17th September is the 28th of Elul. During Elul, the month of repentance and return, the Hebrews blow the shofar each day to call the nation to repentance. Only on the 29th day, they do not sound the shofar. So during this global Daniel fast initiative, the shofar will be sounded continually. Joel 2 says,
Joe 2:1 Blow the shofar in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain; let all the inhabitants of the earth tremble for the day of the LORD comes, for it is near at hand;
Joe 2:12 Therefore also now, says the Lord, turn and keep on coming to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning [until every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored]. Joe 2:13 Rend your hearts and not your garments and return to the Lord, your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in loving-kindness; and He revokes His sentence of evil [when His conditions are met]. Joe 2:14 Who knows if he will return and repent and leave a blessing behind him even a present and a drink offering unto the LORD your God? Joe 2:15 Blow the shofar in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly...
The year 5781 begins at 6pm on the 18th September. I did hear that tribulation WOULD begin in 40 days, but there is shelter in the Lord for those who are repentant and humble-hearted. A broken, contrite heart He will not despise. The Lord called the year 5780 'the year of preparation'. Is your lamp full of oil? Have you used the year wisely? These 40 days are the last period for serious spiritual preparation. Don't waste them.
It is customary for the Lord to give a 40 day warning before appointed destruction. There is a season of tribulation appointed. Yet our gracious Father warns of its coming and offers a last season of grace for repentance and realignment. Let's take this seriously, Bride of Christ. Looking at the devastation in Beirut and the countless families whose lives are destroyed, it's time to seek the Lord as never before; to prepare in the natural, yes, but most of all to daily seek Him for mercy and protection in the midst of what is coming. Be bold also in your witness to the unsaved. Multitudes are in the valley of decision and eternal destinies hang in the balance for many.
Pro 3:25 Be not afraid of sudden terror and panic, nor of the stormy blast or the storm and ruin of the wicked when it comes [for you will be guiltless], Pro 3:26 For the Lord shall be your confidence, firm and strong, and shall keep your foot from being caught [in a trap or some hidden danger].
[…] via Sound the Alarm on My Holy Hill […]
When I looked up the Song of Solomon reference to Lebanon specifically, I was amazed that verse 4:8 if written as in some parts of the world would be 8/4 -- August 4th. I also read somehow that there was meaning in the blast as it was BHO's birthday. Thank you for faithfully reporting Father God's words and dreams for us, the body of Christ!
Thank you for your concern, Paul. Yes, how we need the shelter of His wings at this time. No matter how well we prepare ourselves, our every breath is by His grace.
Lebanon means whiteness on account of the snow topped mountains. If my country had committed this atrocious act, I would be praying fervently for 40 days. I heard a Lebanese women say her mother was bloodied and had only lost some fingers, as if this was somehow equivalent to escaping unscathed. Thank your for your words Christine. 'Blast' reminds me of Shakespeare, and war.
Henry V. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead.
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;
Let pry through the portage of the head
Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a galled rock
O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,
Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.
Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,
Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit
To his full height. On, on, you noblest English.
Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof!
Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,
Have in these parts from morn till even fought
And sheathed their swords for lack of argument:
Dishonour not your mothers; now attest
That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you.
Be copy now to men of grosser blood,
And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman,
Whose limbs were made in England, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base,
That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'
Thank you very much. Fully inclined to believe since the same thoughts and confirmations in my heart. only do not have your clarity and understanding in putting it out with words.
Be blessed.
South Africa, especially Cape Town seems to have a spiritual significance just like some other cities like NY, London Paris. In my steps walking with the Lord, many times, this has come to my notice.
You are there. Do take care.
Wowwwww powerful on time fresh word. At first reading your prophecy with the colors it sounds like the pale horse has been released. I saw on a YouTube video Daboo77 where our president speaking to college students saying this will probably the last time he's gonna be seen for awhile (paraphrasing) maybe he knows what's coming and he and his family are heading in to his bunker. For months now I hear in my spirit the word "Boom"!! When I lay down at night I'm waiting to hear the "Boom" Lord have mercy on us