
On Monday 8th June, I was praying and had a vision. I saw a room full of people dressed in smart clothing with wine glasses in their hands and snacks being served by waiters. The people had cloaks or mantles in a multitude of colors around their shoulders. It seemed like some sort of corporate event. As I looked closer, I saw that there were threads attached between different people's garments, which I found odd. Some people were attached to several other important looking people at the same time. I wondered how jumbled it would get if people tried to walk around as they were not free to go wherever they needed to. Then I saw someone holding a needle and thread and actually stitching her mantle to someone else's mantle without the person being aware it was happening, because they were in conversation with someone else at the time. Then I saw a sword appear and sever every thread that had been manually attached. And the Lord began to speak:

"I do not join garment to garment, mantle to mantle. This is the ambition of men, who seek to gain influence by attaching to another's garment. I join heart to heart and son to son. Many of My remnant have found progress heavy-going because they pull the weight of the attached one with them unknowingly. But I will swing My sword and sever all soulish ambition and set My doves free to soar to the heights I have ordained for each one. No living stone is meant to carry the weight of another living stone. All must lean their full weight on Me and be satisfied with the metron I have portioned them - for it is not by seeking to attach oneself to one whom you assume has a greater anointing, that you will go further in My kingdom. It is by cleaving to Me that you shall attain all I have ordained for you to accomplish. Ambition is not of My Spirit and has no place among My ecclesia. The greatest among you must be the servant of all. And there will be no passengers on My doves' flights to greater heights. The season for that is over! It ended with the close of the Church Age. In the Kingdom Age, My remnant lay down their lives for one another. They do not seek to profit from one another. Some seek to adorn themselves with a cluster of spiritual contacts, that they may be counted among the who's who of the holy huddle. But I say 'Who are you and where is your wedding Garment?' There is no seat at the table for pretenders or the unprepared. I will sever your carefully crafted soulish alliances and sift My guest list. Do not seek to be known of men. Seek Me and desire to be known in Heaven. Why do you seek earthly acclaim? Seek My face!"