God's Natural and Spiritual Tel Aviv

For the last week, the Holy Spirit has been reminding me of a post concerning Tel Aviv being struck, and when I looked it up, I was amazed because I posted it on 11th May 2018, EXACTLY 3 years before Tel Aviv was struck. Islamic Jihad and Hamas launched 130 rockets at Tel Aviv on 11th May 2021. I feel strongly I need to bring your attention to what the Lord said at that time and when I looked up the original post, I discovered I had actually posted another word in September 2018 concerning the ripe barley firstfruits company and its connection to Tel Aviv. You can find the two posts at the following links:
Call for the Wailing Women
This post is a vision I had of many many coffins in Israel. It is important to refresh your memory about what the Spirit said at that time because the fulfilment of this word has begun!
The Barley Firstfruits is Ripe
This post is about the connection of the spiritual Tel Aviv to the Natural one. Take note also that just as the natural Tel Aviv is under attack, so too is the ripe Barley Remnant being bombarded with a volley of attacks by the enemy. Pray for one another. God is your strength and your shield! Just as the natural Tel Aviv represents the head, so too there is a barrage of attack on the minds of the Firstfruits Company. Pull down vain imaginations, take every thought captive in obedience to Christ and worship as much as you can!
and I have made a podcast of the relevant portions of the two posts for the barley remnant:
God's Natural and Spiritual Tel Aviv
Please pray for the Bridal Company in Israel and for people's hearts to be opened to their Messiah throughout this traumatic time. The time of Jacob's Trouble has begun.
For those who don't have time to read the whole linked posts, some of the relevant portion is posted below:
‘The Spirit also spoke the word “Tel Aviv” that night. Aviv is the state of barley which is ready for the first fruits offering, first-ripe ears of barley. He continued, “I have my own Tel Aviv, my own hill of first-ripe barley. I have my first-fruits company, My wave offering. They stand head and shoulders above the rest in terms of readiness for reaping for they have yielded to the ministrations of My wind and My rain and they have soaked in the light of the Sun of Righteousness. These are the ones that are My jewels. No leaven is in them. I will gather them by My own hand and wave them as a trophy and an offering before My Father. They are the first of the fruit of the travail of My soul and because of these, I rest satisfied. These are the seed which I will sow; these are those which shall become unleavened bread to the eater.” I asked Him, “Is this the seed that grew to make the bright green field in the vision?” YES!
I had previously had a dream in May 2018, where the Lord had said He was going to strike Tel Aviv and I asked, “How does this connect to Your spiritual Tel Aviv?”
He answered, “I will strike the natural Tel Aviv and I will reap the spiritual Tel Aviv. Remember when My spirit left the temple and resided on the mount of Olives for 3&1/2 years, saying ‘return to Me’ and then it lifted and the temple was destroyed?” “Yes, Lord,” I answered. Well, so it shall be with my firstfruits company, who reside on the Mount of Olives. They have been in the place of perpetual pressing and my Spirit comes to clothe them anew and abide strong within them. They are the voice that shall cry these 3&1/2 years for My people to return to Me and then I will bring them home. I release a baptism of fire upon them and announce that a new day has come, the Day of the Lord. Dense darkness is even now settling upon the earth and soon no-one will be able to see their hand in front of their face. It is a 3 day darkness, a 3 watches of the dark night, when the enemy thinks he has the upper hand, but I will wake and I will shake and I will sound and resound through my fiery torch company. My roar shall be heard in them and My roar opens prison doors and blind eyes and many shall be released from the prisons of their own understanding.”
I asked Him, “Lord, will the striking of the natural Tel Aviv and the reaping of the spiritual one be the same time. How will we know?” He said, ”First the natural, then the spiritual. That is My pattern and that is My mercy. I will strike the head to turn the heart. I will reap my firstfruits barley company to turn the heart of the rest of the harvest”.
Why is the Lord using the name Tel Aviv to describe His remnant? The first part of Tel Aviv is the noun תל (tel), which denotes the kind of ruinous mount that arises from multiple destructions and subsequent coverings over and rebuilding of the destroyed site. Beloved, does this describe your life? The pain, destruction and having to start all over again on the ruins and efforts of previous generations. Well, you are a ‘tel’ and the Word promises that you will raise up the devastations of many generations.
The second part of the name Tel aviv comes from the noun אביב (‘abib) meaning barley or ears of barley. In fact, you are a tel aviv, ripe and eady for harvest.
Barley is harvested at Passover. The First Fruits wave offering on the first day after the weekly Sabbath during the Feast of Unleavened Bread requires the barley to be ‘aviv’, which is a Hebrew term referring to a level of maturity of the barley harvest. Aviv barley is the stage 2 weeks before picking. To test if the barley is aviv, take barley is put in the fire, and when the flames singe that barley, if the barley is not aviv, all of the seed heads will just be vaporized – there will be nothing left. But, if you put it in the fire and then it leeches out all of the moisture and you can actually take that grain and grind it, then the barley is ‘aviv’. What an amazing prophetic picture. Beloved, you are ready to be part of the firstfruits barley offering when the fire no longer diminishes or harms you but only has the effect of hardening you to difficulties and preparing you to be a part of the firstfruits wave offering – and to become food for the eater!’
Hi Juan,
Welcome to the blog. You can get each post translated into Spanish by looking on the right hand side menu with each post. There is a google translate button.
Seria de gran bendicion, que estos temas tambien se compartan con el pueblo de Dios de habla hispana, ay mucho pueblo que dezconoce mucho sobre lo que pasa a nuestro alrrededor, especialmente en mi pais, saludos desde peru...
Thank you for the response, gives me more understanding.
Here in the US, things are heating up and is an indication of tough times and endurance by the believers is key.
My ache and sorrow is that for long, long time, saints were not fed and prepared well, and suddenly the endtimes has begun. My prayer before God is, Nearly 8 billion people and all sinners, out of which, we a few are redeemed. Multitudes in the valley of decision, but it is dark spirits who have blinded the hearts, that you O Lord will deal with them like against Pharaoh ans Egypt.
otherwise how will the souls turn to you. the gospel of power.....i am just.....
be blessed
I thought that Damascus has never been completely destroyed at any time in its past as Isaiah prophesied. As far as the 7 year peace treaty, Anthony Patch over at Brighteon had an interesting take on the issue. He thinks the fact that the entire world has agreed to shut down to address the “pandemic” issue proves that all the nations are in “Lockstep” with one another. Essentially this is the first time in history that all the nations of the earth are on the same page. Personally I tend to agree with Christine that the Abrahamic accord is the treaty mentioned in Daniel, but it is important to consider all possibilities so even the elect are not deceived.
Regarding your own Brighteon channel, I think making short 10-20 minute videos of your posts would be such a blessing. To me, it’s not just about sharing your prophetic dreams, visions, and messages, it is really a teaching tool to show viewers how to read and interpret Scriptures. People like you have many spiritual gifts. Very few people can make the Bible come alive and help others to get excited in reading and studying the Word. You definitely have that gift.
I realize all of this computer stuff is a time consuming pain in the neck, but based on your Passover 5781 recording you seem to have such a calm, peaceful, yet strong personality that the written word doesn’t always capture. You are also funny, intelligent, and have such a soothing voice. All I’m saying is that I would much rather watch you than Perry Stone or some other TV preacher. Just a thought. Thank you for all of your hard work. I will never take it for granted.
are you referring to the audio's of PAssover 5781, MArty? They are on my podcast but perhaps Brighteon visitors may come across them if I post there as well :)
Re Damascus, this verse applies:
Ecc 1:9 The thing that has been--it is what will be again, and that which has been done is that which will be done again; and there is nothing new under the sun.
Thank you Marty. I am a bit behind with the Brighteon channel, only so many hrs in a day but I will post those videos as requested.
I would have thought spiritual was first too but this verse corrected me:
1Co 15:46 Howbeit the spiritual is not first, but the natural; and afterward, that which is spiritual.
Re the treaty, Daniel 9:27 says the antichrist will 'confirm' the COVENANT with many. In other words, it already exists when he steps onto the stage. the Abrahamic accord IS that covenant. The word 'accord' means 'to be of one heart', that is what a covenant is, a joining together til death do us part. This Passover marked a stepping over into the time of Jacob's trouble I believe. It will start in stages but culminate in invasion by Gog (Ezekiel 8:16)
I doubt Damascus will be destroyed. I think that is a bit cod - like a lot of prophecies, it was fulfillled long ago. (Not so sure about Hal Turner either.)
Paul said 2000 years ago that his heart's desire for Israel is that they would accept Jesus. It is not a popular message. Moses said 3500 years ago that this is not a difficult proposition. (Deuteronomy 30).
Peace and prosperity versus death and destruction.
At the moment the gospel is being accepted in Israel. Let's hope this war ends and the gospel continues to be received.
Thank you for the post. A few queries
you said, God's pattern is "first natural, then spiritual". I always thought it was the other way around. As it is in Heaven, so shall it be on the earth.
i thought Jacob's trouble is iniated with the 7 year treaty signed by the AC. These days coud be accelerating towards it. I do have my own timeline, with respect to what the Lord has been revealing but is still hidden, as the enemy is kept from it.
the death and chaos and distress among the nations due to this pandemic is going to have an intervention by the Lord very soon. He is the Lord of Justice and Righteousness, and this level of atrocity and deceptive evil has been curtailed and so it willl be soon manifested here.
Youth will not be culled like fatherless children. The prayers of the saints has reached i believe, a crescendo, before the Lord. Amen
Be blessed and thank you
I just discovered that you have a Brighteon channel. I’m sure it would be a blessing to many if you post your Passover 5781 recording on it. I thought your presentations were awesome. Just a thought. Thank you for being a General for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Yes, Hal has eyes on the ground there so I check him too. He is not too pro Israel but at leAST ONE GETS A BLOW BY BLOW ACCOUNT OF WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING. tHE OTHER NEWS STATIONS CATCH UP A DAY LATER.
I hope and pray that the Israelis and Palestinians both wake UP to the Truth of Jesus Christ. I’m wondering if the destruction of Damascus is also on the horizon. I’m not sure how the mainstream media is reporting on this current conflict, but Hal Turner is doing an amazing job of showing both sides of the issue.
Thank you for sharing your insights. May we all enter into the peaceful rest of Christ as we head further into the tribulation.