This message is shared from a foundation of the revelation in Message 4 of the Sound of the Warrior Bride conference held at the beginning of February 2020.

I discussed coming up higher and finding your place on the stave; moving to the place of the sons of the right hand, those ready to take responsibility and operate in their Father's kingdom business. However, finding your spot and being anchored in place is only the beginning. From this vantage point, one must be able to continue operating in our Father's business in the years that follow. This is going to be challenging and exhilarating all at the same time because the world is going to be in a state of chaos and darkness. However, the sons of the Light and the people who belong to the Day; those who follow Him Who is the Way, shall shine and lead others to righteousness, moving always by the Light of the heavenly city - for the Lamb is its light. Each of us positioned for our end-time purpose will release a sound in the spiritual realm just by our appointed positioning and we will minster out of who we are in Christ, rather than by any works that we do.


People are instruments in the Lord's hand and He brings forth sound from them as He wills by the movement of His strong right arm and hands. One such musical instrument is a piano and I would like to use our electric piano for an illustration. The sustain pedal kept breaking or disconnecting.  We would get it fixed, but after one or two sessions, it would disconnect again. This is often what we are like as the remnant. We begin to release the note God is telling us to release, sustain it for a bit, but then the sustain pedal disconnects and we stop making our sound - either because of onslaught, weariness, hope deferred because our sound doesn't bring immediate interaction from heaven or other similar reasons - you get the idea.

If each of us stood in a circle and released a sound or musical note out of our mouths, some would only be able to do it for a short period of time, being unable to sustain it for any length of time. This is because some don't have the capacity to release a sustained sound. Of course, this has to do with practice, training and lung capacity - and often boldness. God wants to increase our spiritual lung capacity in this year so that, once we are positioned on the stave, we can release and hold a clear note for as long as it is meant to be held.


In message 4, I discussed the sound which the morning watch company are required by Heaven to release; this being Middle C - a note which must be held for 4 counts. (Please go back and listen to the audio or go over the pdf if you are not familiar with this concept). This sound is the sound of a consecrated bondslave vessel and a heart thus rightly aligned has an effect on the spiritual atmosphere wherever that person goes.


Of course, during these counts, the world is sinking into deeper and deeper darkness. I had mentioned that the Lord showed me the year 5780 represented the Morning Watch for the holy remnant. Be aware it also represents the Evening Watch for the world. As the scripture says - the morning comes, but also the night! Anyone with eyes to see is aware that the night is rapidly approaching in world systems. Virus outbreaks, crop failures, locust plagues, earthquakes, rumors of wars and the resulting financial turmoil are causing a great shaking - and all this is really a final alarm clock warning to true followers of Jesus that time to get spiritually and mentally ready for the final leg of the race is rapidly running out. I earnestly hope you have not been caught napping at this late stage! Do not push the snooze button! By Rosh Hashanah this year, daily life as we have known it will be irretrievably altered. It is time to be alert, to focus and to cast aside the sin that so easily besets us (Heb 11:1). And the question remains - do we have the endurance built into us to enable us to sustain our pace as we run this final leg of the relay of the Kingdom?






Isaiah 66 tells us that God coming like a whirlwind - a whirlwind of sound and fiery light to deal with the wicked -and this is why you need to be able to sustain your note. Your surrendered life will form part of that whirlwind of light and sound.  The sound that comes from a consecrated bondslave company profoundly impacts the atmosphere wherever that whirlwind touches down.


The last leg of the race ahead is not a sprint - it is an endurance race. You will need to be able to sustain your power level. Paul said, "I have run the race, I have fought the fight, I have kept the faith". This must be our testimony by the time we come to the end of our part in this Kingdom race.




Let me share a vision I was given a little while back. I saw a right arm and hand holding a flaming torch and I heard the words,


I then saw the designated track which the runner was appointed to run and as this person launched forth to complete the course, an amazing thing happened. At various points along the appointed course, lightning bolts would strike the torch and refuel it so that it burned fiercely.

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This vision has multiple layers of understanding, but the first bit I received was that we each have an appointed course to run. We may not be able to see the entire course ahead of us as we start out, but this is no reason to remain in   the   starting   blocks after   the starters gun has gone off. It is not necessary to wait until you think you are full enough, spiritual enough or strong enough to launch forth. Timing is everything. Just be implicitly obedient, because it is in the running that God recharges you; He empowers you with downloads of light and revelation truth AS you run the part that you are able to see straight ahead of you. If you stay surrendered, stay worshiping, stay listening and obedient to the smallest nudge from the Spirit, then He is more than able to equip you with the necessary information, revelation and spiritual power to maintain and sustain your race - and successfully accomplish all God intended you to, for the praise of His glory. Stop looking at the darkness rolling in upon the earth and instead seek Him Who will be your glory and light in the midst of dense darkness.


You will find the appointed course littered with divine connections, abundant provision and razor-sharp explicit instructions from the Holy Spirit, your Coach and Trainer. It is the manifestation of Christ within you that brings forth Kingdom purposes as you continue to function from a place of rest as His workmanship, created in Him for the good works which have been prepared beforehand for you to walk (or run) in!


I have said often in the past weeks when talking with friends that it is a bit like building a puzzle. We manage to get all the outside pieces successfully joined together to form the frame of the blueprint of our end-time purposes. And we think we have some idea of what the whole picture will turn out to be. However, the small detail is not yet clear. As we continue on, daily being led by the Spirit, He provides us with every small piece of the puzzle and shows us where it fits in and sometimes, someone else wanders past and picks up a piece and inserts it exactly where it needs to go. If we did not start putting the puzzle together until we had a clear understanding of every single detail, we would never begin. So we start with the outer frame - the original promise from God.


In the same way, in the first part of this morning watch year, we have been trying to find out where we fit into the big picture. We can't see clearly because we are looking through a glass darkly. Our own interpretation of promises God has given us have formed preconceived ideas of how things ought to turn out and often these are just stumbling blocks in our progress. Now we have reached the time of the second part of the morning watch, Nautical Twilight. It is a dangerous time, when false light abounds and the enemy seeks to lead us away from true north. And we know there is only one Source of true Light. So it is better to scrap all previous interpretations or ideas birthed from leaning on our own understanding, clear the table and begin to construct the puzzle again. Take the promise God has spoken (the outer frame of the puzzle) and ask the Holy Spirit to show us which puzzle piece goes where and what the actual Kingdom blueprint really looks like from the throne-room's perspective.


This can only be done effectively by coming up higher. Remember Moses ascended higher than the other elders of Israel on Mount Sinai, before receiving the blueprints for the tabernacle in the wilderness. He pressed into the thick darkness where God was and found face to face fellowship with the Author of the blueprints. There is no substitute for this alone time with Father God in this Morning Watch year. Don't seek worldly wisdom or ask Google. Ask God. He is the source of all the light and truth you need for each step of your race, and if you will keep true to this, by the end of 5780, you will fully positioned and set in place, releasing the sound of consecration and holiness from your bondslave vessel, as you burn with fiery zeal and function by the light of the seven spirits of God. And you will be a vessel useful to the Master, fit for every good work He has laid up in store for you.

(pt 2 to follow)