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I was so blessed on the weekend of the 7th Feb to be invited to minister at a very special place, the Bridal Chamber at House of Bread in the city of Bloemfontein, South Africa. For those of you who have no clue where on earth this is, this city has the honor of being the seat of the Judiciary for the nation. Of course, in spiritual terms, this is a very significant place to be called to release a message from the Lord and I became very aware that not only was this intended to be a portal of heavenly sound and light for the nation, but also the continent of Africa and even further afield, to the nations of the world. How important it is to guard and steward this gate for His glory as Heaven intends it to be the releasing place of His righteous judgements and words of Life!

I was accompanied by my very precious friends, Guy and Heidi Mitchell, who have the most powerful ministry in art and heavenly music. It truly is a privilege to experience the power of the Spirit flowing through this amazing couple. If anyone would like to look further into their ministry, please find examples of their art prints and music at www.revelationsinart.co.za .

I have uploaded the audio of the 5 messages I shared on my podcast

Fresh Sound Releases.

Individual messages can be accessed at the following links:

Message 1, Sound of the Warrior Bride

Message 2, Sound of the Warrior Bride

Message 3, Sound of the Warrior Bride

Message 4, Sound of the Warrior Bride

Message 5, Sound of the Warrior Bride

My prayer is that as you listen, there would be an impartation, not just information.

*You can also download PDF's of my notes for messages 2, 3 & 4 at the following links:

Sat Morning session 2

Sat Morning session 3

Sat Evening session 4

May the Lord add revelation and wisdom as you listen.

Many blessings,

In His service and for His glory,
