The Roar of the Blood

On the morning of the 2nd of March 2021 as I began to pray, as I was breaking bread, the Lord began to speak to me and this is what He said:
"The sound of my Blood is the sound of the roar. The roar was released at Calvary. It is finished. The bridal price is paid in full with Blood money, My Blood; the currency of heaven—My Blood, the currency that cancels debt and wipes out outstanding sin tax. My bride will rule in these end times and the sound will be that of the fully paid debt. She will release the sound of her bridle price—fully paid. She will shout the sound, "I am His!" and the enemy will not be able to touch her. She walks, covered in the sound of My roar. I am the roaring Bridegroom King, and my roar unlocks prison doors and lets all prisoners go free. The sound of the Blood is a key. The sound of the Blood has substance and enters situations unable to be solved by the understanding of man and unlocks them. The sound of the Blood of the Lamb covers and protects My own as the destroyer passes overhead. And it also breaks the yoke of generational slavery and leads prisoners out to prosperity. The sound of My Blood is key in the warfare of these endtimes.
What can stand against the power of the roar of my Blood? What can stand against a cancelled debt and a ledger wiped clean? The accuser is silenced and rebuked as My Blood begins to speak! My Blood has a voice that carries the authority of the throne of El Olam (the Eternal God), the voice of My Blood refutes every legal argument. The enemy counsel can't compete with the voice of My Blood; it cancels trumped-up court cases and hastily assembled attack plans. My bride shall march with the banner of My Blood and the enemy will cringe and flee as they hear that very familiar sound. It is the sound of ancient victory—the sound of Supreme Authority; the sound of finality, IT IS FINISHED. The sound of the Blood is the sound of the spirit of Might."
Then the Holy Spirit reminded me of a song which He had given me probably twelve years ago, because Blood has a voice. Blood—the Blood of Christ has a frequency! Here are the words of that song:
The voice of the Blood cries out
through the annals of history,
the sound of the Blood is heard.
as it cries out for you and me,
the song of the Blood rings out,
defeating our enemies,
none can silence its glorious shout—
Sounds like the Blood of the Lamb will make us shine brighter as the world grows darker. I hope the Remnant is prepared for all those who come out of the Babylon system and begin to flock together like the Book of Acts. May the Lord God keep us all safe and sound in His mighty right hand. Thank you Christ-ine for your uplifting and encouraging words. You truly are a blessing from the Most High.
Wow! I see His Majesty and power that He displays on behalf of His Beloved. Thank you Christine for sharing so much of your heart and helping us see His. We, the Bride , are being made valiant by the outpouring of His Spirit that ignites the Word hidden in our lives. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!!!
This is an outstanding word. I just heard Him say, "This is the currency of Heaven. The currency of My Kingdom. You are rolling in it. You are 'rolling in dough'. Blessings and glory be! Thank you for the inspiration you continue to pass along sister.
Praise God, Alleluia!!!