Seek First My Kingdom!

Today is Tuesday the sixteenth of March. I received this message from the Lord in my early morning time with Him:
"I am weary of My people who seek only their own interests, their own comfort, their own provision. Where are those who will see Heaven's interests? Who will lay down their lives for Heavenly assignments and give no thought to what they will eat, what they will drink, what they will wear in the time of the end? I know you need these things. Where are those who have full confidence in My character; who trust completely that My love for them will be a strong shelter? Where are those who, forsaking all, are willing to offer themselves as living sacrifices? My Father seeks seed to scatter, but all are seeking their own interests, checking their own provisions—ensuring they will not lack.
Yes, I have appointed Joseph's for the years of famine, but I Am the God who fed the five thousand and rained quail on a multitude hungry for meat. I seek those who will put their concerns about temporal comforts aside and present themselves as My army of bond- slaves? Even a slave in a master's house receives his daily portion of nourishment and is clothed. Surely the sons of the house will dine at the master's table on food that they did not prepare. Do these sons give thought to how those meals will be provided?
I Am your Provider—will you not lay aside your fear of lack and focus on My kingdom concerns? Will you not place the whole weight of your life on this earth—all your needs, in My hands and leave the details to Me? I seek those who will watch and pray and be about My Father's business, knowing that every soldier in an army is portioned his daily rations. No member of my army will go unfed. Lay your fears to rest and focus on receiving your marching orders, for the days of the sowing of My sons in the earth are at hand—and just as seed scattered in a field is watered, by the rain of Heaven, so too you shall be nurtured and tended. You go forth under My watchful eye. Those who trust in Me will lack no good thing. So rather stock your inner storehouse with battle plans and maps and instructions received before My face. Store up food that will not decay; the solid nourishment of My Word. Hide My truths in your heart and be nourished continually as you go about your assignments.
For from the womb of the morning will come forth My young men, ready for war, alighting like dew all over the earth, with battle armor and a sword in their hands. And the sound of that army rising will strike fear in the heart of the enemy, for one he can take out, and two he can hinder and resist. But the mighty army I Am sending forth in the Day of My Power is filled with the sound of my ROAR. That sound shakes the desert and breaks the cedars. The sound of my army rising strikes terror in the heart of the enemy ranks—for they can deal with those who LOVE their lives, but this a multitude without number who LAY DOWN their lives confound the enemy's plans. What can he do against those who are conformed to My death and walking in resurrection power? How can he silence a sound which has its source in Me?
So empty yourselves of your own concerns, your fear and your questions—and be filled with My sound. Absorb the ROAR. Become saturated with the frequency of your Overcoming King in this hour—and leave the rest to Me."
The scriptures He gave me were Joel 2:21 'Fear not o land. Be glad and rejoice for the Lord has done great things. Be not afraid, you beasts of the field, for the pastures of the wilderness have sprung up. The tree bears its fruit and the fig tree and the vine yield their full strength...'
and then further on: 'the threshing floor shall be full of grain, and the vats shall overflow with wine and oil, and you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied'.
Joel 3: 9 'proclaim this among the nations, prepare war. Stand up, the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near,
let them come up.'
and 2 Kings 7: 5 and 6 '...when they came to the Syrian camp, no one was there for the Lord had made the Syrian army hear a noise of chariots and horses; the noise of a great army. They said to one another, the king of Israel has hired the Hittite and the Egyptian kings to come upon us. So the Syrians arose and fled in the twilight and left the camp
and fled for their lives.'
There's a sound rising in the earth, and it's the sound of the army of the Lord,
filled with the frequency of their Victorious King.
The other scriptures I was given psalm 110 and psalm 121:2-8
May He fill you with the sound of His ROAR as you sit before Him.
Amen. I believe this every day. He does and will provide.... I like the word saturate. I use it alot when I write 'saturate yourself in the Oil of Gods Word'. I heard it in a different way the other day which caught my attention, and it was marinated in the Word of God. It's a great analogy. When you marinate something, it becomes saturated. And if we're saturated in the Word of God, then how more more could He be in us, and we in Him? So beautiful. ❤
This message reminds me of the two witnesses in the Book of Revelations. It is almost as if some of us will be called to preach and draw out His children from the Babylon system in our local areas and lead them to safe havens. This gathering together seems to be a foreshadowing of the Harvest of the Wheat while the Tares remain in the city system because they refuse to hear the Roar of the Truth. I feel so grateful that the Lord God led me to your beautiful and blessed website. Thank you for spreading such Good News!
I awoke this morning and looked at the clock and it was 6:33. I was given assurance that the Lord was going to provide and we need not worry. Matthew 6:33.
HalleluYah! Once again ABBA uses the words He gives you to write to confirm what He is teaching me. A friend recently complimented me with these words "you are my Christine Beadsworth". Because our wonderful Father speaks to me in a similar way as to what I read He speaks to you, you will understand that. Thank you for your faithful penmanship Christine. May He fill you to overflowing with His oil and wine so that those that gather around you will taste and know the Living and soon returning King! Blessed be His set apart Name