The Double Portion Anointing

In this week before Passover, I want to share something the Spirit has shown me concerning the TWO anointings poured out on Jesus to prepare Him for the journey to the cross. However, as I am preparing for a 4 day conference over Passover, I am releasing the message as an audio. When I am able, I will update this post with the transcript of the message. So please click on the link below to listen or download and listen to this post:
The Word of the LORD. yes and amen. That was beautifully anointed !!!
Christine, this was beautifully laid out. To be a chosen vessel to follow the lamb wherever HE goes trumps everything else!
I was blessed by your message Christine. Lately I've been fasting (detoxing) from the toxicness of the the things of this world (news, etc.) which is much easier actually since I'm retired as of last October. It was the Lord calling me home from the workplace to draw closer to Him in the Spirit. I had been working part time and didn't really need the $, but it did help pay off both our vehicle loans.
Now as Passover is approaching, I'm reviewing some past poetry I had written to the Lord a couple years ago, and am becoming inspired to continue doing so as the Spirit leads. Thank you for the message about the double anointing of the Lord. My husband and I just finished the Book of Mark and that was fresh on our minds, as well as the first Feast of the Lord of Passover, which is a few days from now. Be blessed the Lord Christine. ❤....Susan
Thank you, Christine for your faithfulness in sharing the Father’s heart for these times. My gifting is in the areas of worship and intercession. I often, in error, believe I am not “doing” enough in the church. This attitude never comes from Jesus but from myself. He calls me often just to pray and rest and worship in His presence and intercede for others. I try to wait and listen at His feet so that my good works come from His strength and leading. I appreciate so often your call to listen to His voice carefully. Praying blessings over you and your family.