Encourage One Another...
After sharing the last few posts, I felt such a need to refresh and strengthen myself in the Word and to encourage myself in the Lord. The days we are in are those that will be enough to make grown men cry and so we have to tap into the only source of sure strength that exists as much as we can. This is why I encouraged you to memorize the Word — it works like a whole course of vitamin B shots!
So, the other morning I was munching on psalm 27. I had taught my children when they were young to memorize the verses of this beautiful psalm to equip them for anything they might face in life that caused them to be afraid. And as I went over those familiar verses, I realized they are absolutely perfect for the days we are traversing through. It almost seems like they were penned by the Holy spirit through David for the end-time remnant. So I asked a precious friend of mine, Dawn, to put some of the verses into a picture form, so you can download them onto your devices and use them for wallpaper or screensavers. Just rightclick and then click 'save image as' and it will be downloaded. May these words En-Courage you (fill you with courage and strength).

This Psalm is so beautiful and appropriate. Thank you, Christine. Last year the Lord gave me a vision of our family in a snow globe, ice skating, and told me He would protect us during this time. He led me to find an actual snow globe with a family in it like ours, and encouraged me to buy it to remind me He is our refuge.
Timing is everything - thanks Christine for some warm chicken soup. I had forgotten about Psalm 27 and was always a source of recharging.
Such a great idea. We need to realize that Jesus Christ is at the door. It seems many Christians have their focus on anticipating the anti-Christ instead of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Does it really matter who the AC is? Is it Obama? Is it Trump? Prince Harry? Who cares? What difference does it make? Let’a focus on Jesus, our Redeemer, and not on satan’s minions. Stay safe and strong. May we ALL stay hid in the mighty right hand of the Lord God and may we ALL be lifted UP at His return.