Passover 5781 (Douglas, South Africa) ~ Friday nite 26th March
During the Passover weekend which has just gone by, I shared at a gathering in the heart of the country, but had the sense that what I was sharing was for the whole Bridal company worldwide. On the Thursday morning, the Lord woke me very early, saying He would speak about the heart of the matter in the heart of the country and that I would be releasing the sound of the Priestly Bride. I am going to share the audio of my 4 messages, although they were not professionally recorded, because the message is important. Please bear with the birds chirping and voices in the background. You can listen to the first message here:
Message 1, Passover 5781
This first message includes references to maps of both Jerusalem's valleys and to the area in which the conference was held, as well as the shape of the muscles of the human heart — all of which depict the 21st Hebrew letter SHIN, which is an abbreviation used for God's Name. So I am going to share the images I used in my message below, so you can refer to them as you listen to the message. Douglas is situated within a letter shin formed by the 3 surrounding rivers (the Vaal River, Riet or Reed River and Orange River), the contents of this shin being poured out into the nation. When comparing this image with the structure of the human heart, Douglas is in the left ventricle — the section of the heart muscle which pumps oxygenated blood from the heart round the rest of the Body. I found this most significant considering the Lord said He was declaring the heart of the matter in the heart of the country. He is issuing forth His Word carried by His breath to those who have ears to hear.
The sound of the priestly Bride is arising in the earth, and it is the sound of His heart poured forth — a sound filled with the breath of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. We as the remnant Bridal Company are entering a time unlike any other the Church has ever been through and it is vital as we cross over into the season ahead that we hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
The Friday message was shared at the time in the Hebrew calendar when Jesus ate the Passover with His disciples in the upper room — the evening of Aviv 14th. He washed the feet of all His disciples, including Judas, and then set the parameters of the new covenant He was about to institute in His Body and Blood. May you be enriched as you listen to what He gave me to share.

Thank you for sharing so many beautiful insights concerning our end times voyage. I loved the picture of God in front of us, God behind us, the breathe of God in us, and us being connected to Heaven from above. I also enjoyed your message of the latter rain filling the desert within us. Thank you for being the portable feast and teaching us to travel light in Jesus Christ.