Portions From Passover 5781

Here are links to the remainder of the messages shared on the Passover weekend of 5781 in Douglas, South Africa.
Sat 27th am ~ Prophetic word Released and Established
This message was released during the worship session on Saturday morning.
Sat 27th pm ~ The Lamb Within
This message discusses moving into the new dispensation and carrying the manifestation of the feasts within as we journey forward.
Sun 28th am ~ Marshalling His Army
This is the final message from the Passover conference and deals with a number of topics on the Father's heart as He utters His voice before His army.

I only got to Fresh Oil Releases this morning after our Pesach Festival 2021 here in Douglas.
I want to thank Christine from the bottom of my heart, a beautiful daughter of our King, Yeshua, who shared messages during our Pesach Festival here in Douglas for such a time as this!
With UNSPEAKABLE JOY we are moving forward into His Glory and the Outpouring of His Latter Rain!
We love you and seeing forward to what Abba Father is downloading to share with us, His sons and daugthers!
I only got to Fresh Oil Releases this morning after our Pesach Festival 2021 here in Douglas.
I want to thank Christine from the bottom of my heart, a beautiful daughter of our King, Yeshua, who shared messages during our Pesach Festival here in Douglas for such a time as this!
With UNSPEAKABLE JOY we are moving forward into His Glory and the Outpouring of His Latter Rain!
We love you and seeing forward to what Abba Father is downloading to share with us, His sons and daugthers!
Anneliese Bruwer
Douglas, South Africa
10 April 2021
Thank you for sharing so many stories and spiritual insights. We are the message was especially profound as well as finding the sound of our own voice. I also love the fact that you made it a point of emphasis to not criticize other Christians in how they are being led by God in preparing for these end times. Finishing off with one of my favorite verses “forget what lies behind and strain forward to what lies ahead” was the icing on the cake. Thanks again for making this a memorable Passover weekend.