The Wolf is at the Door

After I wrote the messages about the harrow with the iron teeth and the connection to the wolf, a reader contacted me and informed me that the full moon on January 28th was known as the Wolf Moon. He also pointed out that another event takes place in the Hebrew calendar on that day, namely the New Year for Trees. In Hebrew it is Tu B'shevat. This is a significant prophetic sign, considering the recent conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and what the Lord has spoken since then about the beast of Daniel 4 rising. It is harrowing time—and it will be harrowing; upsetting, disturbing and draining.
In my post called 'All the World's a Stage', I mentioned that the sixth projector sheet undergirded and supported the 7th. All the weight of the seventh word was supported by the foundational sixth word. I also mentioned that I had included a word given in 2010 called Weighing in on Fruit'. This article is about Tu B'Shevat and the Lord weighing the fruit of repentance in our lives. For those who have not read it, I am going to include some of the information in this word as the understanding is necessary to grasp what the Lord is saying NOW.
In 2010, the Lord had said to me He declares the end from the beginning and I had the following parable of Jesus impressed on me:
Luk 13:6 And He told them this parable: A certain man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he came looking for fruit on it, but did not find [any]. Luk 13:7So he said to the vinedresser, See here! For these three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree and I find none. Cut it down! Why should it continue also to use up the ground [to deplete the soil, intercept the sun, and take up room]? Luk 13:8 But he replied to him, Leave it alone, sir, [just] this one more year, till I dig around it and put manure [on the soil]. Luk 13:9 Then perhaps it will bear fruit after this; but if not, you can cut it down and out.
This parable is referring to the practice that occurred on Tu B'Shevat. The amount of fruit on a tree was inspected and counted as fruit of the previous season. This man found no fruit and so he wanted to cut it down immediately because the previous season had yielded no results but someone interceded and bought a further period of time for the fruit tree to redeem itself. If, at the end of that year, no fruit was found, then the judgment declared at the beginning of that year would stand! The owner of the orchard had declared the end of the year from the beginning but there was a possibility for this judgment to be averted.
In January 2021, when I reread this parable and the word I had received then, I was confused because it is now 10 years later. How did the word still apply? Then the Holy Spirit told me to view the years as seasons or decades in the history of America and the Church in America. In this parable, for 3 watches, there had been no fruit when inspected. Then because of intercession, a 4th season or decade of grace was granted to bring forth fruit of repentance.
The 3 decades the Holy Spirit highlighted are:
1980 - 1990
1990 - 2000
2000 - 2010
The 4th season or decade of grace to bring forth true fruit of repentance stretched from 2010 - 2020 and now we have entered the 5th season/watch or decade. For 10 years, the Church in America and the nation of America as a whole has received grace and much digging around it to break up hard ground and fertilizing to bring forth adequate fruit of repentance. And now, that period of grace for repentance is over. I sense that the digging and fertilizing was via watchmen and true prophets' calls for repentance. These words were intended to till the hard ground of the nation's heart and allow the nourishment of life-changing Truth to penetrate. The Spirit highlighted the sin of abortion as being one of the areas where He has come to inspect for fruit of repentance. Remember that true repentance has the evidence or fruit of permanent change in ways, culture or lifestyle. I do not know the detailed history of the nation of America but I do know that Planned Parenthood offered its first abortion in the 70's. The intercessors have labored in prayer to overturn and bring change in this arena but because of extreme corruption in the courts and places of government, the blood of the innocent is still being spilled in vast quantities daily both in this nation and others (Since 1st Jan 2021, over 2 million babies have been murdered in the womb worldwide). The true remnant knows that this is only one of the deviations from God's plumbline for which the axe will be laid at the root of the tree.
Notice that the owner had come looking for fruit for three years (or in this case, decades). This connects us to another interesting principle which the Lord established for His people when they entered the Promised Land:
Lev 19:23 And when you shall come into the land, and shall have planted all manner of trees for food, then you shall count the fruit thereof as uncircumcised (untouchable) :three years shall it be as uncircumcised to you: it shall not be eaten of. Lev 19:24 But in the fourth year all the fruit thereof shall be holy to praise the LORD with. Lev 19:25 And in the fifth year shall you eat of the fruit thereof, that it may yield to you the increase thereof: I am the LORD your God.
The fruit of the 4th year/season/decade is holy to the Lord and in 5th year one gets to eat the fruit. This means that all the tears and intercession and true repentance done by God's Holy remnant has been noted, gathered and recorded. But it also means that all the wickedness perpetrated, all the laws passed which go against God's holy and unchangeable Word are also noted and recorded. God is not mocked. Just as a man reaps what he sows, so too does a nation reap what it sows. At the New Year for Trees, on 28th January 2021 when the full Wolf Moon hangs in the sky, the fruit from the last season is inspected and counted.
Let's go back to Jesus' parable: When the owner came to inspect the fig tree at the end of three years (beginning of 2010 in this pattern we are looking at) there was still no fruit and He was angry. It seemed that this particular fig tree had no progress whatsoever to show. Jesus said, "You shall know them by their fruit". The fruit of a man's life is evidence of what kind of tree he is. Is he of the seed of Christ or of Belial? This fig tree was weighed in the balances and found wanting but because of intercession, because of those who stood in the gap, there was a stay of execution of judgment for one more season/decade. The tree would be fertilized and carefully tended and if, after that season, it showed no fruit of repentance, then the judgment of the axe and the unquenchable fire would be carried out.
USA has had a president for the last 4 years who stood for the rights of the unborn, who supported the traditional family and fought human trafficking and who vowed to drain the swamp. His first term in office ends just 8 days before the full wolf moon and the New Year for Trees. Yet, in spite of all that he did and all that was said, are there any less babies being aborted? Are the standards and rights of the traditional family and biblically defined gender being upheld?—this would be evidence or fruit of a nation's repentance and permanent change... Sadly, the answer is 'no'. And the cry of innocent blood has reached heaven. In the 5th year/decade, if upon inspection, no fruit is found, the only decision is that the axe must be applied to the root. God's judgments are always based on fruit. The separation of the sheep and the goats was based upon the fruit of people's lives, what they had been doing.
Mat 7:17 Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. Mat 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Mat 7:19 Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them. Mat 7:21 Not every one that says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven.
According to Leviticus 19, in the 5th year/season/decade, we get to eat the fruit of what we have done in the last four years/seasons/decades. God sets up kings and He removes kings. He changes times and seasons. According to what I am being shown by the scriptures which the Spirit is highlighting and the sign in the sky on this New Year for Trees, the season of extended grace in order to fertilize with truth and prayer and to water with tears is now over and the nation is being examined for fruit of repentance. When I think of the visions which the Lord showed me in All the World's a Stage, it seems that the inspection for fruit yields a verdict that the axe must be applied to the root. And the wolf moon speaking from the sky means that the wolf is at the door and the 4th beast is rising. The New World Order is being rolled out.
Ousted and Betrayed
I shared recently that I had a vision of an old lion surrounded by wolves with bared teeth. Later I saw that lion lift a paw and cuffed a few of those wolves and the others regrouped and schemed. They would be back. I think that cuff was the declassification of sealed documents which Trump released online in recent days. But the wolves are still circling. Both Shakespearean plays which were used in my last message involved a throne taken by machinations and wicked plotting and the true king who fled to the forest or was murdered. This morning, 18th Jan, I was woken with the story of Absalom, the usurper taking the throne of the kingdom. You can read it in II Samuel 15 - 17. What did David do when he was informed that Absalom had indeed illegitimately claimed the throne? He left the palace, accompanied by all those of his household, all who supported him, and he fled to the Jordan.
2Sa 15:14 David said to all his servants who were with him at Jerusalem, Arise and let us flee, or else none of us will escape from Absalom. Make haste to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly and bring evil upon us and smite the city with the sword. 2Sa 15:15 And the king's servants said to the king, Behold, your servants are ready to do whatever my lord the king says. 2Sa 15:16 So the king and all his household after him went forth.
He knew that there would be an attempt to kill him and those who sided with him. The Spirit said to me, "In this hour, this is the test of a man who has the heart of David. He will leave his palace and his throne and he will go to the wilderness and wait for God to vindicate him in his time." I had the sense that He was referring to President Trump; that he was now having his heart weighed to see if was truly a man after God's own heart. David knew that if he stayed and fought, there would be much bloodshed and many of his household and those who followed him would lose their lives. He knew that ultimately the nation belonged to God and the throne was rightfully his. Yet he left the palace and passed through the Kidron Valley, weeping at the betrayal and travelled on to the edge of the Jordan, and ultimately to Mahanaim.
I read a report that on the 17th Jan, President Trump has asked his family and supporters to leave the White House for their own safety. And we know he loves his nation and the people in it. It seems he has the heart of David in protecting those who have not already jumped ship, changing allegiance and siding with the insurrection and illegitimate takeover of the highest office in the land. When truth has fallen in the streets and the courts will not play their God-given roles, it is time to bow and leave the stage. I will not be surprised if the usurper is 'crowned' on 20th January.
And all the way to the Jordan, David knew he was the legitimate king of the nation but he did not try to take it back by force:
2Sa 15:25 ... If I find favor in the Lord's eyes, He will bring me back and let me see both it and His house. 2Sa 15:26 But if He says, I have no delight in you, then here I am; let Him do to me what seems good to Him.
Notice also that God allowed Absolom to take the throne and rule for a short time. He did not stop him because he was a usurper (another example of this happening is when Athaliah took the throne by killing all her own grandchildren and God allowed it 2Kings 11). The chapters in II Samuel describing all that unfolded reveal that men's hearts were being tested. There are people who are hungry for power and they always align themselves to whoever has the throne, even if he did not get it legitimately. They want influence and favor and power and wealth. They have no integrity or loyalty. All of the people who were in the court of David were sifted. His trusted counsellor abdicated to the other side and counselled that David be slaughtered along with his household. And a man of the House of Saul cursed David all the way to the Jordan and threw stones at him. Such will be the treatment of the one deposed in this election.
Dana Coverstone had a very significant dream about a plumbline early in January. In it, the church was severely shaken. Perhaps you can take the time to listen to the details of the dream on his channel on YouTube and go to the Holy Spirit for the interpretation, rather than man.
Now many people will not like to hear this; people will unsubscribe and begin to speak against the messenger, but if it is a true word from the Spirit of Truth, then the message will stand and manifest in its season. The Lord has warned me that that persecution is coming for me as His messenger. Be that as it may, I choose obedience and live for His glory alone.
What about All the Prayer that Has Gone Up?
When I asked the Holy Spirit about this, I was assured that every prayer has been recorded and those who have sought him have been noted. They were praying earnestly but the heart of the nation was not moved. I was given these verses and it is significant that they come after the chapter about true and false prophets:
Eze 14:12 The word of the LORD came again to me, saying, Eze 14:13 Son of man, when the land sins against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it: Eze 14:14 Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, says the Lord GOD.
I was also given this word, spoken to the man who helped the prophet Jeremiah when he was imprisoned for the warning of judgement which he spoke:
Jer 39:15 Now the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah, while he was shut up in the court of the prison, saying, Jer 39:16 Go and speak to Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, saying, Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring my words upon this city for evil, and not for good; and they shall be accomplished in that day before you. Jer 39:17 But I will deliver you in that day, says the LORD: and you shall not be given into the hand of the men of whom you are afraid. Jer 39:18 For I will surely deliver you, and you shall not fall by the sword, but your life shall be given to you for a prey: because you hast put you trust in me, says the LORD.
And this word spoken to the scribe who recorded the prophetic warnings of Jeremiah and was so upset by them:
Jer 45:2 Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, unto you, O Baruch: Jer 45:3 You said, Woe is me now! For the Lord has added sorrow to my pain; I am weary with my groaning and sighing and I find no rest. Jer 45:4 Say this to him: The Lord speaks thus: Behold, what I have built I will break down, and that which I have planted I will pluck up--and this means the whole land. Jer 45:5 And should you seek great things for yourself? Seek them not; for behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, says the Lord, but your life I will give to you as a prey (a snatched prize of war) wherever you go.
Beloved saint, those who choose the fear of the Lord, who put their trust in Him and who are set apart and holy to the Lord are recorded and will be protected in the day the judgements fall. 5781 is the year of the black horse and rider with his scales. Hearts are weighed in the balances. Fruit of repentance is weighed and individuals and nations dealt with accordingly.
Isa 3:10 Say to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Isa 3:11 Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.
I will be writing a message to follow this one concerning what God's heart is for the remnant in a nation under judgment. Remember Tu B'Shevat is also the season when the earliest flowing fruit trees; the almond, burst into bloom while the other trees are bare and sleeping. Tu B'Shevat is not all bad news this year for those who are holy and set apart.
Dear Sister Christine,
Please know i am in line with your thinking and am blessed
Please note I was referring to Sister Mary. How is the Reply button addressing it to you.
Dear Sister Christine,
Please know i am in line with your thinking and am blessed
Please note I was referring to Sister Mary. How is the Reply button addressing it to you.
Dear Sister Christine,
I am in line with your thinking and am blessed.
Please note I was referring to Sister Mary. How is the reply button addressing it to you.
Please note I was referring to Sister Mary. How is the reply button addressing it to you.
I am not sure what you are referring to with the day and seven years. Can you clarify?
You are incorrect about me being biased about Trump. I only know of him what the Lord says to me about him. I know he is carnal, so was David. He slept with a married woman and sent her husband into the thick of battle so he would die and David could have his wife. yet God saw something in his heart which caused Him to say he was a man after God's own heart. When Trump came to power, the Lord told me He had placed him there to give the Bridal Company more time to get oil for their lamps. For that I am grateful. But I will never look to a man as a deliverer or savior. God has put many utterly imperfect people in power for His purposes. And I also think Trump has been in a sense a mirror for the American Church. If you call him carnal, what does that say about the Church?
dear sister in the Lord,
I think you are prejudiced about Trump. He is carnal just like you and me.
From the kingdom point of view, he was an instrument in God's hand for the last 4 years bringing EXPOSE.
I think there are many assessments
One is this about Absalom
the other one is Athaliah and Jezebel.
the rabbis in Israel saying it is Adonijah.........all House of David.
Poor David. How much sorrow in his lifetime
We could have been played by both sides, but in all of the dreams the Lord has shown me on Trump, it has been . so very difficult to discern, so deep is the Deception of the First Horse i think. Very shortly we we will know.
20Jan is the opening of the curtain or veil for the Final saga. Right now not sure of the exact years for closure, waiting omn Him.
Can you please let me know how you came about the daye and 7 years, especially the 3 days as I am also pondering on that since this month.
thank you
Thank you. In a dream did see Trump stumble and the church I think is strengthening him. Initially, i thought I thought it was due to the vaccine, now not sure. pondering.
Sister. I was in Israel summer of 2019. We got off track on an evening of sight seeing and got a little lost. We ran into some men whom said “the father said to sit down and wait he was sending some people”. The whole timing and talk was so profound I didn’t even know how to process it in the moment. The whole time I was asking the Father if this was a divine appointment with heavenly beings. Our talk was long and beautiful and I have simply treasured it up in my heart. I have my beliefs about our experience, but one of the most profound aspects of the encounter was the content of the conversation. One little piece spoke of looming judgment to America. He told me where it would hit first. NY. And that the judgment was related to the Blood crying out from the earth to God’s throne. I can promise this word is spot on. I have since had some prayers in the spirit that confirmed this. (My first time receiving the gift of tongues. Which I had never even heard uttered... I received my myself in my living room and the prayer was the saddest prayer I have ever prayed with such utter grief all related to the blood crying out for justice and how much longer would the Lord delay. I had NO prior convictions on that. I knew it was sad but I didn’t understand the gravity in my heart until that prayer in the spirit. The Lord spoke about several aspects of this during that timeframe. I have known judgement was coming. Bless you for sharing your words. I am so grateful.
And my emotion is not disappointment about Trump but heartache because the true Church in America will suffer greatly under the new government. One has to come up higher and see a bigger picture.
It is not only the Trump quarter that is saying the election was stolen. There is a massive amount of evidence of vote-switching, including an Italian man who gave a sword deposition that he was involved in switching the votes in his own country. The Italian government and the vatican are implicated. Unfortunately mainstream media did not broadcast this information so only those who dug deeper and looked beyond the smokescreen, heard this information. Try searching for the name of the voting tabulating machines and Italy and you may find it.
I am from Iowa. During the time of the 2016 Republican caucus when Ted Cruz won our state, Donald Trump said that our caucus was rigged and that he(Trump) had really won by a landslide. He insulted Cruz's wife by calling her ugly and he tried to say that Cruz's father was involved with the Kennedy assassination. Does all of this sound familiar? It should, because he tried the same tactics in the 2020 election. Just because he got on TV and claimed the election was stolen from him does not make it so. His attorneys had their cases thrown out of court, even by Republican appointed judges, because they could not present any evidence of election fraud.
I know you were disappointed that Trump lost and I understand that, but that man has only sown chaos and division in our country. He has tried to pit one group of Americans against each other and that is wrong. He has brought much confusion to the body of Christ and we all know who the author of confusion is.
and for those considering participating in this procedure currently being rolled out, know that the blood of the unborn will cry to the throne from within your own body.
Today I was led to this report and then it was connected to a word given last year on this blog. Beloved, this is why judgement comes, the blood of the unborn cries out before the throne:
Hi. I don't think one can extrapolate the whole story of David's life and apply it to Trump. The Spirit just highlighted a cameo. Biden is not Trump's son. In the case of Athaliah, the Lord allowed her to reign for 6 full years and in the 7th, a rightful heir to the throne, who had been hidden during the murders of his siblings, was brought out by the priests and crowned. Then Athaliah was killed.
God is often so cryptic when He says something. He speaks one sentence and means many things. We will have to remain in prayer and trust Him for His purposes to be rolled out even if it looks like the enemy has the upper hand.
I wondered this too because Johnathan Cahn has a book that talks about this and the cycles are incredibly similar to what you have posted.
Hi sister. After reading your interpretation of King David's comparison to Trump and Biden to Absalom, wouldn't it mean that Trump will prevail at the end as Absalom's rule was very short and he was killed at the end? Will there be a similar end to Biden and won't Trump be restored? If that's the case, then aren't the prophets right about their prophecies of Trump getting a second term?
There was a prophetic word on Trump and a warning for the Nebuchadnezzar outcome as a possibility. According to Jeremiah Johnson the Church was needed to stand in the gap for the leader Trump.
According to Ezekiel 22, 30 there was no man found to stand in the gap for the leaders. We need some Daniels and Esther's to rise up!
Thank you for sharing, Lisa. I did shorten your comment because a link is provided for those interested.
Mary, I stated clearly that God has allowed it but it is also clear that the outcome of the election was rigged and interfered with in many ways, just as Absalom's ascent to rule was. To take power through deception reveals the character of the incoming leaders. You are welcome to your assessment of the situation. I have never claimed to see the whole picture. We all see in part and I can only share what the Lord is speaking to me. You are also incorrect about me reading the words of many other pro-Trump prophets. I actually read very little of what is put out by the current popular prophetic ministries. The Lord has a tight rein on me in that regard. Nebuchadnezzar was proud and God dealt with that. Have you considered that perhaps this is what the current situation is doing to the soon-to-be ex leader of your nation?
It was your assessment of TRUMP. It is clear to me that you have read other "so called" prophets' words on TRUMP, very dangerous. I would implore you to return to Jeremiah 23, repent for listening to the voices of so many others. TRUMP was NEVER to be president a second term. We don't get to judgment without having the events play out. REMEMBER, the good came through the HAND of GOD, as this man is double-minded and clearly UNSTABLE in all his ways. The Lord told me when I was sitting in a Dallas airport that TRUMP did IN FACT, participate in quid pro quo. It is very disturbing that you would tell your audience that BIDEN is usurping TRUMP on this account. GOD HAS ALLOWED it to happen. I will further state that the LORD has told me, TRUMP has placed a bounty on BIDEN'S head.
I have respected the words GOD has brought through you in times past, but a little leaven, leaven's the whole lump and it is very DANGEROUS to be presumptive in this hour. Do note, this is GOD'S will and you need to be very careful what mixture you allow to come into this message because your perspective on TRUMP is WAY off. The LORD told me, TRUMP will go the way of Nebuchadnezzar . . . .7 years begins on January 20, 2021, with a small window of a grace period to repent while the whole nation is in mourning for three days.
I do NOT agree with your assessment.
Christine, Perhaps they are three shimtah / seven year cycles. 1999-2006 - 2013 -2020.
Also I watched a series of documentaries several years ago on the founding of the USA. “Riddles in Stone”, “The New Atlantis”, “Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings “ and “The Hidden Faith of our Founding Fathers”. According to the research Sir Francis Bacon was “Shakespeare” and he was gay.
This is part of an article that I came across a few days ago. I am in no way endorsing the author or her beliefs. However I found her research very interesting.
Sir Francis Bacon, Shakespeare Author January 22 is the birthday of Sir Francis Bacon.
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was one of the most remarkable men ever to walk the earth. He laid philosophical foundations for the scientific revolution. He was a visionary and a poet. Yet he walked the corridors of power and held the highest offices in the land. All this is known.
October 1623: Francis Bacon describes a new and ingenious method for writing in code. A month later the Shakespeare First Folio is published with what may be a code embedded in the typesetting.
Coincidence? Perhaps not.
If Queen Elizabeth I did indeed deny her sons (Bacon and Lord Essex), then they couldn't reveal personal information without fearing for their life. How could Bacon make sure that future generations knew the real story? By his own cipher? ...
Thank you so much for the confirmation, Tina!
Thank you for this word... and for your boldness sharing it!
I just wanted to confirm the words on Absalom.
When I was praying a few days ago about the season we are in and concerning the US I received 2. Samuel 13-19. I looked and found the story of Absalom. It starts with a rape and murder in Chapter 13 and then the usurping of the throne.